‘Hugs, not bullets’ is demagoguery and to some extent complicity says Bishop of Cuernavaca


Ramón Castro Castro called on civil and religious associations, private initiatives and unions, political parties, authorities and rulers, to “listen and recognize the harsh reality,” since “he loses more than denying it and distorting it.”

“‘Hugs, not bullets’ is demagoguery and to a certain extent complicity,” said the Bishop of Cuernavaca Ramón Castro Castro, after calling on the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador not to give up its responsibilities to guarantee security and peace and convene to a change of strategy.

The foregoing, at the end of the Eighth Walk for Peace in Morelos, which, after two years of contingency due to Covid-19, brought thousands of people back to the streets.

“We want peace and security,” was one of the most heard slogans along the route (3.7 kilometers away) from the Tlaltenango roundabout -located north of Cuernavaca- to the Historic Center of the City.

In Plaza de Armas the walk concluded and the hierarch spoke before the citizens who participated dressed in white. “ Peace is possible, yes, it has to be possible”. And it will be possible when we reach the four essential conditions: truth, justice, love and freedom”, he highlighted.

The also general secretary of the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate (CEM), stressed: “We see that so much violence in Mexico is due, in part, to thousands of broken hearts and fractured lives, of alienated and manipulated minds, of corrupted hearts and confused lives. , of crooked desires for happiness, of dirty complicity and a lot of irresponsibility. So much violence tells us that we are lost as a society.”

The bishop asked everyone, citizens, civil and religious associations, private initiatives and unions, political parties, authorities and rulers, to “listen and recognize the harsh reality.”

“He loses more than he denies it and misrepresents it. The one who uses it crookedly, with lies, for selfish and petty interests, does a lot of damage, ”she indicated.

He added: “The Mitofsky Company showed 3 conclusive indicators last month: 57.2% consider that the “hugs, not bullets” strategy to guarantee security and combat crime is wrong; 69.9% think that the government should confront crime with the use of the law and 62.1% think that it is incorrect to protect the lives of criminals by avoiding confrontation with the armed forces”.

He assured that the result of this survey is supported by the president of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) of the Senate, Ricardo Monreal Ávila, when he said that “it is time to review that strategy”: “Many people and groups have said the same thing in the whole country. That is why today the Church has joined this reasonable popular outcry.”

“Other studies indicate that in Mexico and Morelos there is still corruption, even if the opposite is said.”

The Catholic leader mentioned that “the country is becoming insensitive to pain; Abominable behaviors and acts are being normalized: lying, extortion, kidnapping, murder, femicide, human trafficking, among other forms of crime and death, as well as terrible damage to nature, some already irreparable.”

He closed with a call for citizens to play a more prominent role in this regard and suggested adhering to the “Decalogue of Purposes and Actions”, inspired by the Word of God from which the social doctrine of the Church springs.

“It will never be lawful or legal for the civil authority to surrender its responsibility in terms of security and social peace, for that they have the power and the legitimate use of force. ‘Hugs, not bullets’ is demagoguery and to certain extent complicity. Authorities: do not fail, fulfill your function, guarantee peace with actions”, he said.

Later, he placed a candle in the Memorial of Victims of Violence and during the officiated mass he prayed for all the victims of murder and disappearance, as well as for their families.

Source: aristeguinoticias.com

Mexico Daily Post