Mayor of Huamelula Oaxaca marries a crocodile


As part of an indigenous ritual, the mayor of San Pedro Huamelula, Oaxaca, Víctor Hugo Sosa García, agreed to marry a crocodile.

A tradition that dates back more than 230 years.

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Tradition dictates that the mayor must marry the crocodile princess Alicia Rubí, a ritual that seeks to recreate the day that two ethnic groups were united in a wedding.

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“It is the culture of the Huaves and the Chontales, it is a marriage between the crocodile princess and her servant, this in order that there be abundance in our municipality,” the mayor explained in an interview.

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For the peculiar tradition, the living crocodile is dressed in white with her wedding dress and is transferred to the municipal palace to marry the municipal president.

The Oaxaca Post