Enigmatico’s new track featuring Jeff Berwick and Max Igan in the music video! We want to raise 100 thousand dollars for Marsh children’s home orphanage in Bonfil, Acapulco with your help Vigilantes!
Buy the track now for a dollar, vigilantes, or however much you care to give to this awesome institution for orphans in Mexico!
Buy now on Bandcamp! link-https://enigmatico.bandcamp.com/track…
Marsh PayPal account for donations- https://PayPal.Me/marshhome
You can also donate using the crypto QR codes in the closing credits at the end of the video or use the long addresses listed here that are connected directly to Marsh children’s home!…
BITCOIN: bc1qqc8hqgzz4reyd23aepklacp6ptqxpe4vmf7lxj
BITCOIN CASH: qqu3t6cwqemlcmfe2n9qt2lv57y4skahjsv4dz274n
ETHEREUM: 0x4BE6663B9Cbf8f110a7Aa880Dbdb2250e10BBe71
LITECOIN: ltc1qyc9r2s87fv9pmyfysz3tqe6hldy3ur5fq8q0dp
PIRATE CHAIN: zs1m4trddzmuu709hlm2h8xuhkeg2rqhdlwwum4sjn4qawphympj3253auzp0unnty57flgzps0y48
Many many thanks from Enigmatico, Jeff & Lucy, Max Igan, Aunt Jovita, and all the adorable children at Marsh children’s home who all need our help!!
P.S. If you donated via a link other than Bandcamp, where you automatically receive the Track as your memento for donating to this amazing cause, be sure to email Enigmatico himself at robertoguitar75@protonmail.com to arrange getting your copy of this Rockin track!!!
If you are interested in online guitar lessons Enigmatico Also teaches and has limited spaces left! rockstarguitarschool.co.uk Anarchapulco the place to be written by Enigmatico Adrian Robert Mills.