Pope Francis expressed his deep sorrow for the two Jesuit priests killed inside a church in Chihuahua, Mexico


The Pope offered this lament at the end of the general audience on June 22, at the news of the death Monday of Jesuit Fathers Javier Campos and JoaquĆ­n Mora, ages 79 and 80.

They were killed in Cerocahui, Tarahumara, in the state of Chihuahua in northern Mexico, as they were trying to protect a man who ran into a church in search of refuge as he was fleeing from an armed individual. This man was also killed.

ā€œWith affection and prayer, I am close to the Catholic community affected by this tragedy. Once again, I repeat that violence does not solve problems, but increases unnecessary suffering,ā€ the Pope said.

The leader of the Jesuits, Father Arturo Sosa, shared his sorrow, saying, ā€œWe have to stop violence in our world and so much unnecessary suffering.ā€

According to Fides, three priests were killed in Mexico in 2021 and the death of these two is added to another priest killed earlier this year. More than 30 priests have been murdered in the country in the last 10 years.

Source: El Universal

The Chihuahua Post