How to make your foreign car legal in Mexico online step by step


Do you want to regularize your foreign car that does not have papers in order? So you can make the regularization of chocolate cars “cars illegally in Mexico” online step by step.

A few months ago, the Mexican government made an emphasis on regulating illegal cars that circulate in the country. One of its main actions focuses on the regularization of chocolate cars. Therefore, here we explain step by step how to carry out this procedure digitally.

Así puedes regularizar autos chocolate EN LÍNEA en 2022 | PASO a PASO |  Terra Mexico

The process began on March 15, when it was established that a car assembled and marketed in the United States could be brought into compliance. However, we explain the process you must follow to start the vehicle regularization process.

Before starting, you should know that not all cars of American origin can be regularized. Guidelines were created that the Public Vehicle Registry (REPUVE) and the state (where it is going to be regularized) request in order to register the car.

Step by step to regularize chocolate car

First, you must know the list of documents that will be necessary to regularize a foreign car in the country:

  • Official Identification (INE).
  • Title of ownership of the car.
  • Proof of address (Must be no older than three months).
  • Signed statement under oath to tell the truth.
  • How much does it cost to regularize a chocolate car? You must have proof of payment of 2,500 pesos (This payment will be used for the improvement of highways and roads in Mexico).

IMPORTANT: The platform allows only one person to regularize a car (no more than one can). Also, the car must not be under any criminal investigation in the United States.

With these data, the unit in charge will start the procedure to regularize the chocolate car.

cars chocolate regularization Mexico

Online car regularization

But it can also be done online, you just need the following steps:

  • Have access to a computer with internet and enter the following link
  • You must have scanned documents of: CURP, Address, Vehicle identification data, contact data.
  • Print manifesto under oath to tell the truth.
  • Physical presentation in REPUVE.
  • Capture line generation.

It should be noted that the legalization program will request a physical inspection of the vehicle once the online procedure has been generated. Therefore, you must present the car before the authorities of one of the 10 states that offer the regularization service.

What states will be able to regularize chocolate cars ? It can be done in the following states: Chihuahua, Baja California Sur, Baja California Norte, Coahuila, Zacatecas, Sinaloa, Sonora, Durango, Nayarit, Michoacán and Nuevo León.


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