Mérida will now have first-world electric transport: Governor presents new ‘Ie-Tram’ buses


The new “Ie-tram” bus system will link Mérida with the main metropolitan cities: Kanasín and Umán.


First world electric transport arrives in Yucatan: Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal presented this Thursday the “Ie-tram” , a new electric bus system that is expected to start operations from December 2023.

This new transportation model, described as the first electric system in the southeast that will have “the benefits of a tram with the flexibility of a bus,” will link Mérida with the two main metropolitan cities: Kanasín and Umán, serving thousands of Yucatecans. who travel daily from their municipalities to work in the capital, or who move from one end of the city to the other.

The governor presented this day the design of how these units will be, which will have state-of-the-art technology reflected in innovative security systems for speed control, USB chargers, WiFi, Braille buttons, real-time geolocator, information for the passenger and interior vinyl, among other important adaptations.

What will be the Ie-Tram routes?

In total, there will be 100 kilometers of connection through three routes with high demand: the first will be Centro-Umán; the second route will be the Faculty of Engineering Uady-Centro and the third Kanasín-Centro.

To unite these points, the old abandoned train tracks will be used, transforming them into trails for public transport and sustainable urban mobility.

In this way, people who travel long distances, either to get to their jobs or schools, and who often have to go to the city center to take a second route, will be connected.

Governor Vila Dosal stressed that these units are 100 percent electric and zero emissions; in addition to reducing noise pollution.

When will the Yucatan electric transportation system start operations?

As can be seen in the images, these new units, which will start operating at the end of 2023, have four sliding doors and low entrances, as well as an entrance and spaces for wheelchairs.

For this first stage of the project, it is expected that 25 to 30 units will start operating.

It should be noted that this new electric transport system is promoted by the State Government in conjunction with Banobras.New electric bus system in Mérida.

The Yucatan Post