AMLO absence of attending the Summit of the Americas is a mistake


It is naive to think that López Obrador’s snub (or, rather, encouragement of a boycott) of the Summit of the Americas will go unnoticed by the US government, which goes beyond the White House.

The Summit of the Americas has begun in Los Angeles. As has happened on other occasions, the president of Mexico has decided to absent himself from a multilateral meeting of great importance.

On other occasions he has found various pretexts. This time he has chosen to justify his absence by protesting the exclusion of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela from the continental meeting in Los Angeles.

Like other times, this new absence is a mistake.

It is because it unnecessarily strains the relationship with the United States. You can turn it around however you want, but the bilateral relationship is so complex and important that burning gunpowder in hell is an act of irresponsibility.

It is also naive to think that the snub (or, rather, the encouragement of a boycott) will go unnoticed in the US government, which goes beyond the White House. In Washington, Congress matters. And by now it should be clear that the Mexican president’s rudeness has gone down very badly among legislative protagonists of both parties. What need?

But it is also a mistake because that is not the way to defend convictions, even when they are dogmatic. If what President López Obrador wanted was to promote a new continental understanding, including authoritarian governments that deny basic freedoms to their citizens, the bravest path was not caprice and absence.

The president could have gone to Los Angeles to explain, in front of Biden and the world, why it is so important for him to add the three dictatorships of the continent. Although with nuances, he would have found voices that support him, such as the Peruvian or Argentine president, perhaps even the Chilean.

Unfortunately, he preferred to leave his voice to others rather than take his place and defend, with arguments, his ambitious regional foundation agenda. He missed an opportunity to explain the project to him. Incredible but true: Andrés Manuel López Obrador missed the opportunity to take the microphone and preach. Green things…


Mexico Daily Post