AMLO said on his daily morning conference that he is going to visit President Joe Biden in Washington DC, next July


Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday that he would visit President Joe Biden in the month of July.

Lopez Obrador was one of several leaders who threatened to stay away if not all countries were invited.

That risks an embarrassing boycott for the United States as it tries to repair relations in the region following the administration of former President Donald Trump.

The Mexican president said policies of “exclusion” that had been imposed “for centuries” needed to change, criticizing what he called an unjustified desire for “domination”.

He rounded on U.S. critics of Cuba, but did say he would visit Biden in Washington next month.

Officials in Washington have said the tensions will blow over and that the summit will be successful no matter which leaders choose to attend.

Lopez Obrador said he would use his July visit to discuss immigration and push for more U.S. investments in Central America to help address the root causes of the phenomenon.

Source: El Universal

Mexico Daily Post