Road fines will increase for those who do not respect speed limits in Los Cabos


After the constant car accidents as well as the road chaos that is generated on the Transpeninsular highway, the mayor of Los Cabos, Oscar Leggs Castro assured that road fines will increase and even more road education will be promoted.

“More fines for those who do not respect the speed limits only in this way we will understand and there is no remission for those who come at excessive speed or are taken on the Transpenisular because then they come with us to be forgiven but when they have put their lives at risk of the others that is not valid”.

Let’s remember that the last road mishaps were caused by speeding and in one of them, which occurred on May 30, alcohol was present. Road chaos continues to be one of the biggest problems in the municipality of Cabeño. 

Motorists are stranded for hours and the emergency services are stuck with no way to attack the mishaps and emergencies that arise in Los Cabos at less speed, more life and in this sense, Professor Leggs expressed the following:

 “If you are in a hurry, then leave early and if we all abide by the rules, it will not cause so much traffic jam and we will also reduce accidents.”

Driving speed is not only a risk for the driver or the occupants of the vehicle, but also for pedestrians and other people driving around you, for this and more, it is important to respect the speed limits, because it is not only at stake your life, but that of everyone around you.


The Cabo Post