Quintana Roo gas stations stand out as one of the most fraudulent in Mexico


They reveal that from January 2020 to March 2022, 78 complaints were registered against gas stations.

The fuel service stations of Quintana Roo are considered among the most fraudulent in the country, selling incomplete liters of adulterated fuels or with a cost higher than the national average.

The reports of the Ministry of Energy and the Federal Attorney for Consumer Protection reveal that from January 2020 to March 2022, 78 complaints were registered against the entity’s gas stations for these events, being the fourth state with the most reports for these facts.

Only the State of Mexico, Veracruz, and CDMX surpass Quintana Roo, with 102, 143, and 202 complaints, respectively.

Although the reports do not specify whether the authorities’ ruling was in favor of consumers, it does highlight that nine gas stations in the state were sanctioned and even closed for bad practices against consumers, of which at least half are in Chetumal.

Precisely the state capital has stood out three times in the “morning” conferences of the president in the last two years, due to immobilized pumps for giving incomplete liters.

However, after paying penalties of between 300,000 and 800,000 pesos, these service stations are now in operation again.

It is also noted that in Quintana Roo there are fuels with prices considered to be among the highest in the country, with an average cost of 21.56 pesos per liter of gasoline, which represents 80% of the income of gas stations.

This price exceeds the national average, which is located at 20.19 pesos per liter. 

Javier Rodríguez Tun, responsible for the creation of the group “Fraudulent Gas Stations Quintana Roo” on social networks, pointed out that they receive up to 30 reports of irregularities at service stations every day, but most are not reported to the authorities.

“In the group, we are already almost 120,000 members, who have found the only way to protect ourselves against these abuses is through public denunciation so that they do not return to those gas stations,” he declared.

The also former worker of a service station in Playa del Carmen commented that the majority of users choose not to report, because they have to go through cumbersome and time-consuming procedures, so an option to encourage the formalization of these complaints would be that Profeco streamlines these procedures and digitizes them.

Source: sipse.com

The Cancun Post