Construction on “Infiniti Mérida” real estate development halted do to irregularities and violations


They paralyze the work of “Infiniti Mérida

The neighborhood association of Monterreal, Montecristo, Montecarlo, called “Colonos Montes Unidos”, announced that it obtained an indirect amparo with file number 1210/2022 against the real estate development “Infiniti Mérida”, which is intended to It consists of 7 towers of approximately 54 meters high and 15 floors. 

The request for amparo was presented at the beginning of May of the current year before the lawyer Socorro del Carmen Díaz Urrutía, Fourth District Judge in the State of Yucatán, and on May 27 she granted them the definitive suspension so that the authorities responsible order the stoppage of the construction of the work in what it takes to resolve said lawsuit

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The real estate developer aims to build 620 apartments with more than 1,200 parking spaces on the street

The neighbors insist that their “nonconformity does not lie in an intransigent position, or in personal interests. Our decision is based on the fact that we are convinced that this project violates our fundamental rights, such as the guarantee of having access to a healthy environment, an urban residential environment and access to public services, free transit and adequate mobility. in the area where we live.

Likewise, they assure that they found “a number of irregularities and violations of the Municipal Urban Development Program. A document that is promoted by the same authority that breaches it.

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For example, they affirm, “environmental licenses and/or permits were issued and granted for the construction of said real estate development without complying with the applicable and current environmental regulations since the maximum permitted construction area is 500m2, it must have at least 20% green area, 20% permeable area and 10% wooded area. A development of 620 units is clearly not what is allowed. The applicable and current urban regulations are not being complied with, the change in land use by the authorities was arbitrary, favoring the developer to allow the construction of high-impact multifamily. This contravenes the provisions of the current Municipal Urban Development Program in which, considering the location of the property and the roads, It only allows a medium impact land use, this is a maximum of 100 units. In addition, the same program indicates that for a high-impact development, the road must be at least 26 meters wide. The property where it is intended to build 620 family units has single front access and a length of 17 meters in its narrowest part and 20 meters in its widest part, so it does NOT comply with what is established in the program.

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“It is very important to mention that the construction of this multi-family complex with 7 towers, which will house 620 units, will affect vulnerable sectors, since the neighbors adjoining the property are elderly people, widows or retirees, who all they want is Take care of the heritage you have left. There are several families with small or disabled children who will suffer for years from noise and dust pollution. And with a high probability that their homes will be damaged by the excavations and heavy machinery that will have to enter such limited land, “they added.

“Therefore, given the avalanche of flagrant violations of our rights and the Urban Development Program, we decided to file an indirect protection claim.”

Finally, they pointed out that “we are convinced that this type of real estate development is not compatible with this area, already saturated, and DOes violate our fundamental rights as citizens. It will not bring any type of benefit to those of us who live in these neighborhoods, and will only contribute to exacerbating the road chaos that we already experience on a daily basis.”


The Yucatan Post