July 1st Proof of tax statues requirements without an e-signature in 15 minutes?


There is a very simple way to get it that will avoid standing in ine for long hours at the SAT offices.

As we tell you in this note, in recent days huge queues have been registered very early in the different offices of the Tax Administration Service (SAT). The reason? Proof of tax statues

What is the proof of tax situation and what is it for?

The proof of tax situation is a record that allows knowing the status of taxpayers before the SAT. It is a reference on the legality of the taxpayer’s tax statues and can be used to find out the tax regime to which the taxpayer belongs, to know their economic activity and serve as an identity before government authorities.

If you, like many people, are desperate to obtain your certificate but do not have time to stand in line, keep reading, you will thank us.

How to get the certificate without an e-signature?

The simplest thing is to enter the SAT page, select ‘execute online’ and generate the record, however, this option asks for E-SIGNATURE.

If you don’t have it, calm down, don’t panic, there is a very simple way to get it that will prevent you from going to the SAT offices for long hours of training.

You only need to call 5562722728 (SAT), dial option 3 and wait a few minutes on the line. When an operator answers you , ask him to generate your tax certificate.

The operator will ask for your RFC, an email address -to which it will be sent- and a telephone number.

And in just 15 minutes your statement will have arrived in your email in PDF and you can easily attach it to your bank or send it to your accountant.

Save yourself those annoying lines, pass this note to your roommate, your best friend and even your relatives.

Mexico Daily Post