AMLO financing the “Cuban dictatorship” through doctors?


Ricardo Anaya said that President López Obrador is willing to fight with the United States for “dictatorships” like Cuba’s.

Ricardo Anaya Cortés, a former presidential candidate of the National Action Party (PAN), accused the Mexican government on Monday of using public resources to finance the “dictatorship” of Cuba, making believe that it is to hire doctors from that country.

“Have you already realized the trap with which the government is using your tax money to finance a dictatorship, a repressive government of another country?” Anaya questioned in his weekly video broadcast on social networks.

The PAN member questioned the hiring —by the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador— of 500 Cuban doctors with an average cost of 140,000 pesos per month for each one, “when in Mexico there are just over 50,000 doctors who do not have a job, and the average salary in our country is 20,000 pesos,” he said.

Ricardo Anaya stated that this is because the money is given directly to the Cuban government, not to the contracted doctors.

“The so-called Cuban missions are a front to finance the Cuban dictatorship, that is, the money is not paid to the doctors. Do not think that each Cuban doctor keeps 140,000 pesos a month. That money, which comes directly from your taxes, they pay it directly to the Cuban government,” he pointed out.

Likewise, he pointed out that this maneuver is carried out through a “modern slavery” scheme, since Cuban doctors, he accused, are threatened and their families must stay in their country as “hostages.”

The same Cuban doctors who have been able to go into exile in the countries where they go have filed lawsuits against the Cuban government for this scheme, which is equivalent to human trafficking,” he added.

Regarding the delivery of the José Martí medal to López Obrador during his visit to Cuba, Ricardo Anaya mentioned that the same medal was previously received by Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela) and even Vladimir Putin (Russia).

The PAN also highlighted the fact that López Obrador announced that he will not attend the Summit of the Americas, to be held in Los Angeles, California, next June, if the United States government does not invite Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

“Does it really make sense to put Mexico in a conflict with the United States to defend these three? (…) We must support the people of Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba, but the best way to support the people of those countries is, precisely, denouncing the atrocities of their oppressors,” he said.

In this sense, he said that the US receives 81% of Mexico’s exports, which in turn benefits from the 51 billion dollars that Mexican migrants send to their families. “Are we seriously going to fight with the United States to defend three dictators?”


Mexico Daily Post