Why do they propose a vice president in Mexico and why does it no longer exist?


The PRI’s counterproposal for electoral reform proposes electing a vice president, who would be in charge of internal political affairs in Mexico.

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) presented the counterproposal for electoral reform that consists mainly of 10 points, among which the creation of the vice presidency stands out, these are the reasons why it was suppressed in Mexico and why it seeks to revive the political figure of the vice president.

In the electoral reform proposal, the PRI proposed that the position of vice president of the Republic have the same duration as the head of the executive, with the intention that he relieve the internal affairs of national politics.

To elect the position of vice president, the PRI proposes that he go in the same formula as the candidate for President and would be elected with the same terms six-year term, in addition, he would attend the Senate where he will have a voice, but no vote.

“With this figure we seek a direct accompaniment with the President that allows us to unburden internal policy issues. The executive has the duality of being head of state and head of government, in practice it is becoming confused and generating international tensions. With this we give certainty to the process of replacing the President in case of absolute absence. An issue that at some point could cause a crisis in Mexico and the consequences would be terrible.

When did the figure of the vice president of Mexico disappear?

The figure of the Vice President of Mexico appeared after the Independence of Mexico

In the 19th century we had vice presidents: Nicolás Bravo, Anastasio Bustamante, Valentín Gómez Farías; in the XX only Ramón Corral, but the first three conspired against their respective president

The first vice president was Nicolás Bravo, who held the position from 1824 to 1827. After trying to remove Guadalupe Victoria from power, he was exiled.

When Vicente Guerrero ruled, Vice President Anastasio Bustamante took up arms against him and won. The story of affecting the governments, in turn, was repeated for several years, until the Seven Laws were enacted, which put an end to the figure of the vice president.

However, this position would not take long to appear again when the Organic Bases of the Mexican Republic were enacted, which gave a dictatorial power, and granted re-election for life with the new constitution. Within a few years, the position disappeared again.

The reestablishment of the post was again involved in confrontations, and it was not until 1904 when the first vice president was elected by popular vote, Ramón Corral sustained the position.

In 1911, the last Vice President of Mexico, José María Pino Suárez , was elected, while Francisco I. Madero was elected as President. They did not take long to say goodbye to their positions, since in 1913 they were assassinated after a coup.

The position of the vice president is abolished

With the arrival of Venustiano Carranza to power and the subsequent enactment of the 1917 Constitution, the position of vice president was definitively abolished.

“It came to have such a disastrous history, that instead of ensuring the presidential succession in a peaceful way in an unexpected event, it did nothing but weaken the government of the Republic,” Carranza said at the time.

Historians explain that the figure of the vice presidentinMexicowas used by the leadership to appoint his collaborator or give him second place, however, they agree that it was a form of political control.

“The creation of the vice -presidency was, for the dictator, a legal form to appoint his most faithful collaborator… and Ramón Corral upon his death. A form of control that is more political than legal”.

The regime of the Revolution abolished the vice presidency because it did not believe in shared powers, but I wonder if there is a Mexican politician who is willing to play, with loyalty to his president and his party, a minor role, almost non-existent, and who has the patience to wait to aspire.

Mexico Daily Post