Edzna is a remarkable Mayan site in the heart of the Campeche jungle


Located in the northern part of the state of Campeche, Edzna is a remarkable Mayan site that is far less trafficked than other sites in the region.

It is marked by its main temple, which sits on a 130-foot platform, known as the Gran Acropolis. It also has a ball court, which is still wonderfully preserved.

The city was abandoned around the year 1,500, but historians believe that it could have been inhabited as early as 600 BC. It is another example of Puuc-style architecture.

Another important structure is the Temple of the Masks, which wasn’t uncovered until 1988.

The building has two masks at its base: one representing the Sunrise God and the other the Sunset God.

The city was at its peak between AD 400 and 1000, when about 25,000 inhabitants lived there.

Mexico Daily Post