How Keeping DACA Would Help Educational Field in the US


The DACA program is a program created and boosted by Barack Obama back when he was in office. And the goal of the program is noble and nice, aiming to help children and young adults find jobs in the US and continue their studies. DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and aims to reduce the number of immigrants in the country. 

Thus, it created job opportunities for children who arrived in the US and had nowhere to go or no financial support. Being in the US as an illegal immigrant comes with the risk of facing deportation. But the DACA program helped many youngsters and young adults attain higher education and better financial security. 

At the same time, it gave them access to health insurance and the opportunity to be part of their local communities. So, how keeping DACA would help the educational field in the US? Find out below. 

What does DACA mean for People?

Well, many have heard about this program but if they are not the direct beneficiaries, they might not have searched for more details about it. But it is a program that is so good for immigrants, especially for young ones who are looking to build a better future for themselves and their families. As an illegal immigrant in the US, you are not allowed to work or study. 

And getting a working permit might be difficult under these conditions. However, the DACA program is doing exactly this. It has helped until now a lot of immigrants to get a work permit without fearing they will get deported. It allows immigrants to study too and continue their education in the US. all these if you pay a fee set by the US Customs and Immigration Service. 

The fee is changing from year to year and this depends on what they set. At the same time, there is a renewal date until which the beneficiaries need to renew their work or study permits and pay that fee. Contrary, they might face deportation. 

What Does the DACA Program Mean for Youngsters and their Education?

Getting an education is something we all want. However, not all people have the means to enroll in a college and become one of those students you see on campuses. Some might only dream about this. But for immigrant children, the DACA program offers the opportunity to continue their studies. Being a student in school teaches immigrant children a lot. 

On top of this, they enlarge and expand their knowledge which will later help them land a nice job and start their career. Because many of the requirements of qualifying for the program are educational, it seems that the effect was one of the best. More and more immigrant children returned to school to complete their education, which is one of the greatest effects of this program. 

Even though some of them might not know the language, the educational opportunities offered them the perfect context to learn it. Through many types of assignments, they can learn more not only about the language but about the country too.

 Writing about this program and its importance for the country could be one of the first assignments. And many students are looking for inspiration and essay examples. Well, for students, has free essay examples to read and get an idea of what the final version of your essay should look like. 

What is interesting and a nice thing for undocumented youngsters is that some states have even lowered the tuition rates. Allowing them to be part of the educational system and start and complete their studies is beneficial not only for the individual but for the country too. As these educated individuals will remain in the country, will get a job, and will pay their taxes. This means more money for the US state.

Final Thoughts 

Keeping the DACA program available would mean a lot for the educational field in the US. Undocumented youngsters who have the opportunity to continue their studies come with a higher diversity in the educational system. This means that the entire system and country will benefit from this. It is thus important to keep the program available to offer children and youngsters the possibility of completing their studies and working in the US. 

Bio lines: Kathy Mercado is a content writer and journalist. She usually writes about the educational opportunities available in the US. In her free time, Kathy loves watching romantic movies.

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