Watch out! Cancun Puerto Madero restaurant… ‘Puerto pigs’


The elegance, glamor, and prestige of the restaurant ‘Puerto Madero Fish & Steak House‘ located at kilometer 14.1 of Boulevard Kukulcán in the Cancun Hotel Zone, are literally on the floor.

Last Saturday, March 27 at 7:37 p.m., the Facebook user Ruben Zarif posted: “My passion is to savor your favorite dish so that the waiter drops it and be kind enough to serve you the same thing that he dropped. to the floor… surely he saw me so hungry that he even included bits of porcelain”, tagging him directly to the “Puerto Madero Fish & Steak House” page.

Attaching three images where you can see in the foreground, a piece of meat on the ground, another where the waiter with the characteristic uniform of the place, picks up the cut of meat, and finally, in a close-up, shows the plate with meat and on a finger a chip of what appears to be a piece of white porcelain.

The waiter drops the plate
The waiter prepares to pick up the cut of meat
Five minutes later the same cut is served to the diner

He immediately got responses from Internet users: -Oscar Chuma: “It was dinner, not a banquet”

-Priest Emilio Guzman: “Buy the restaurant from them”

-Fernando Haro Salinas: “Obviously you left more tip than normal”

-Fernandez Alejandro asked: “I DON’T BELIEVE YOU HAHA NETA? What did you tell them wey !!!!”

Someone else suggested -Giovanni Altamirano “Bro, come to Freds Cancun here I am and you will love the food”

Others with some anger gave their opinion: -Olimpia Avila: “How barbaric…it’s the last straw!”

-Majo Morales incredulously wrote: “Nooooo don’t swear”

-Dan Audi went further by stating: “Hahahaha what eggs” accompanied by a vomiting emoticon

-Elias Lara Farfan: “I don’t think it’s porcelain, simple and ordinary ceramic

-Gabriel Cdz said: “That doesn’t happen in Vips, father, learn”

-Luis Don Chocolato gave his opinion: “What % was the porcelain??? At least it was crispy??? Hug you my dear Putative Nephew”.

At 1:03 a.m. on the 28th, the user Alejandro Benites, on behalf of the company, replied: “Hello, Mr. Ruben. Good night first of all. We just saw the post on the restaurant’s page. Could you be so kind as to remove the post. Know how to understand that it is affecting a lot of people to see and really if they are interested in doing their job correctly and making the restaurant one of the most prestigious in the destination. Letters have already been taken and those people no longer work with us in the restaurant. I thank you in advance and once again apologize as I did personally.”

Until the closing of this edition, the affected diner had not downloaded the same publication that was already circulating massively in WhastsApp groups.

It is not the first time that the famous restaurant has received complaints about poor service, excessive tip charges, altered accounts but above all, a bad taste in the mouth because the quality of the meat does not correspond to the high costs of the cuts.

Power and Criticism searched for the Puerto Madero version, no one responded to the request and right of reply.

Before going to eat at “Puerto Madero Fish & Steak House”, remember this public complaint: they picked up the meat from the ground and had the courage to serve it back to the customer. If they do that, rest assured that the beer mugs are filled with leftovers from other customers and that the whiskey is not original since it is packaged in Belize. Well, they sell you a dessert that perhaps is not from your chef, from your kitchen, it is from the offers of Bodega Aurrera. Think about it: It’s not worth paying so much to be served dirty.


The Cancun Post