This Friday, April 1, the Regional Meeting of Culture of the Southern Zone of the country was held in Tlacotalpan, Veracruz, which was attended by heads and representatives of the state cultural institutions of Campeche, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz, and Yucatán. , who were convened by the Federal Ministry of Culture with the aim of knowing the progress in the agreements established during the National Culture Meeting, held in December 2021.
It should be remembered that the National Meeting on Culture is a joint effort between the 32 states for the coordination, analysis, and evaluation of national public policies on access to culture and enjoyment of cultural goods and services provided by the State, as well as of the promotion and respect of cultural rights at the national level.
On the way to its 2022 edition, the Regional Meetings are held, which allow knowing the projects, advances, proposals, and analyzing the work axes regionally, so these meetings will continue in the near future, in different entities of the country.
At the Sotavento Cultural Center, the federal Secretary of Culture, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, gave a welcome and commented that “these close work exercises are fundamental because we can understand how we can do things, how we can continue to serve, and how we are growing in attention directly. As public servants, we are here to serve all together and one of the main objectives of the Ministry of Culture is that at the national level we have action, impact, and closeness”.
Among the topics that were addressed was the promotion of nationwide calls as part of the Chapultepec, Nature and Culture project, such as Raíz México, Circuits of performing arts in independent spaces, Green Footprints, among others; as well as the Original initiative and the #MiPatrimonioNoSeVende campaign for the defense of Mexico’s cultural heritage; the work towards the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development (MONDIACULT) 2022, and the decentralization of support for cultural communities throughout the country.
“We have enough on the table to take advantage of and that we have a year full of activities, very vital cultural circuits. They are counting on us,” he stated.
The heads and representatives of the state institutions of Culture who attended were the general directors of the Veracruz Institute of Culture, Silvia Alejandre Prado; the general director of the Chiapas State Council for Cultures and Arts, Maritsa C. Maranto Zepeda; the Secretary of Cultures and Arts of Oaxaca, Karla Verónica Villacaña Quevedo; the general director of the Institute of Culture and the Arts of the State of Quintana Roo, Jacqueline Estrada Peña; the Secretary of Culture of the Government of the State of Tabasco, Ramiro Chávez Gochicoa; the Secretary of Culture and the Arts of the Government of the state of Yucatan, Loreto Noemí Villanueva Trujillo; and the planning director of the Institute of Culture and Arts of the State of Campeche, Ramiro Gordillo Zapata.
By making use of their voice, the cultural managers and representatives of the invited entities spoke about the projects they have launched to preserve, disseminate and promote the cultural wealth of each locality; In addition to presenting their concerns and proposals, they have to work together with the federation, highlighting at all times the richness and cultural diversity that each state possesses.
For example, Veracruz spoke of the collaboration mechanisms that it has undertaken with the federation; Chiapas on the work for the preservation of mother tongues that are at risk through community radio stations; Yucatan seeks to have a house of culture in each municipality; Tabasco referred to the work being done in graphics and illustration, to mention a few.
In addition, there was talk about access to cultural rights, the rescue and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage, as well as support for indigenous language communities and artisans; For example, the General Directorate of Cultural Links of the Federal Ministry of Culture will follow up on the Creative Seedbeds (free training and artistic creation groups for children and young people), in addition, new seedbeds will be opened and cultural treats and Cinema chairs will be held. in the states of the Southern Zone; the General Directorate of Libraries presented the advances for connectivity in the precincts that are part of the National Network of Libraries, while the General Directorate of Sites and Monuments presented the work being carried out in the area in terms of reconstruction.
This meeting was attended, in addition to the federal Secretary of Culture, the Undersecretary of Cultural Development, Marina Núñez Bespalova; the general director of Popular Indigenous and Urban Cultures, Jesús Antonio Rodríguez, “Frino”; the coordinator of the National System for Musical Promotion, Roberto Rentería Yrene; the General Director of Libraries, Rodrigo Borja Torres; the general director of Cultural Heritage Sites and Monuments, Arturo Balandrano Campos; the general director of the Support System for Creation and Cultural Projects, Juan Carlos Bonet Gutiérrez; the head of the Legal Affairs Unit, Eréndira Cruzvillegas Fuentes; the General Director of Administration, Alberto Federico Lynn; the deputy director-general of the Immovable Artistic Heritage of the National Institute of Fine Arts, Dolores Martínez Orralde;