Salud Digna campaign will bring visual health to 25,000 Mexican boys and girls


Salud Digna launches a social initiative to give away pairs of glasses to minors with the See to Grow project. They will deliver at no cost to Mexican girls and boys from 6 to 15 years old through civil organizations that support children in situations of vulnerability; in more than 10 states of the country.

Salud Digna announced the start of the ‘See to Grow’ initiative with which it seeks to join the efforts of society to provide glasses to around 25,000 Mexican boys and girls.

Through a statement, the institution reported that currently, 30% of Mexican school-age children suffer from some type of visual problems such as myopia and astigmatism. More than 50% of them and their families live in poverty.

Faced with this reality, ‘Ver Para Crecer’ seeks to detect minors with problems seeing clearly in order to give them a custom-made pair of prescription glasses at no cost to their family and thus contribute to their comprehensive development.

“For a child, a pair of glasses can represent another step towards achieving their dreams. Most of the visual defects in minors can be corrected with a pair of prescription glasses that represents for them the opportunity to see the world in a different way and we want to give them that possibility together”, highlighted Juan Carlos Ordóñez, General Director of Health worthy.

In its previous edition, through an inter-institutional collaboration between Coppel, Salud Digna, and Essilor,  Ver para Crecer managed to bring quality visual health to 12,000 children. On this occasion, the goal is to benefit 25,000 children to help them see a better future. 

To achieve this goal together, Salud Digna invites its patients to join and give from $1 peso in its more than 140 clinics in Mexico.

“With  See to Grow , we seek to raise what is necessary to grant 25,000 pairs of glasses at no cost to Mexican girls and boys from 6 to 15 years old, through civil organizations that support children in vulnerable situations; in the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, Puebla, Oaxaca, Yucatán, State of Mexico, Guanajuato, Tamaulipas, Mexico City, Jalisco, Querétaro and Nuevo León,” explained Ordóñez.

The growing dependence on the use of devices such as computers, mobile phones, and electronic tablets at increasingly younger ages, causes a greater number of people to present visual problems when at least 63% of cases in children from 0 to 15 years old in everyone could be corrected simply by wearing glasses.

Mexico Daily Post