Querétaro presents “Operative for Holy Week 2022”


Attentive call for Queretans to heed recommendations from Civil Protection.

The Municipal President of Querétaro, Luis Nava accompanied the Director of the Municipal Civil Protection Coordination, Francisco Ramírez Santana, for the presentation of the Holy Week Operation that will be active from April 10 to 17, with the participation of 36 elements and 11 units. that they will have permanent presence and monitoring in bodies of water and in the first square of the city.

”In the Municipality of Querétaro we are and will be working to protect all families. We will work to ensure that this season there is a peaceful and safe coexistence in the capital, of those who live here and those who visit us. It is time to reiterate: Querétaro is a noble land, with good, friendly, and hospitable people,” assured the Municipal President.

Luis Nava pointed out that the operation has three premises: monitor possible risks; make presence and accompaniment to prevent mishaps, and respond immediately to any situation that arises. Thus, he called on the public to heed the recommendations of Civil Protection and avoid fatal accidents, for which he also made the emergency number 9-1-1 available to Queretaro and visitors in case of any eventuality.

The Diocese of Querétaro announced a series of events from April 10 to 17. In the churches of the Queretaro capital, Palm Sunday will be celebrated on April 10, with this symbol the Holy Week begins.

On Monday, April 11, the Romancero de la Vía Dolorosa will be held at 8:00 p.m., in the Parish of Our Lady of Peace; on Tuesday 12 at 9:00 p.m. the celebration of this event will be in the Temple of the Holy Cross of Miracles; while on Wednesday the 13th it will be at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish of San Francisco de Asis.

On Friday, April 15, the traditional Procession of Silence will take place at 6:00 p.m., as is customary, it will go through some of the main streets of the Historic Center, starting at the Temple of the Holy Cross of Miracles.

The Burning of Judas will take place on Sunday, April 17, in the Andador 5 de Mayo, next to the Temple of San Francisco, at 8:30 p.m.

Tristeza y luto en el Viacrucis en La Cañada - Diario de Querétaro |  Noticias Locales, Policiacas, de México, Querétaro y el Mundo

San Juan del Rio 

Regarding the municipality of San Juan del Río, on Friday the 15th, the traditional Via Crusis will take place at 10:00 a.m., it will leave the parish atrium on April 2 street.

On Sunday the 17th there will be a procession in the Zaragoza walkway, while the Eucharistic celebration will take place in the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

El Marques

The municipality of El Marqués reported that the celebrations will take place after two years of not doing them, however, they invite, due to preventive health measures, the transmission of the same via social networks, since the capacity will be limited for the representations.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of this religious festival in the community of La Cañada, a tradition for the entire state. The performances will begin on Sunday, April 10 to celebrate Palm Sunday.

DOMINGO DE RAMOS EN QUERÉTARO - Plaza de Armas | Querétaro

The Director of the Municipal Coordination of Civil Protection, Francisco Ramírez explained that from Monday 10 to Sunday 17 monitoring and attention tours will be carried out in the first square of the city, where there will be a command post, 16 elements, an ambulance, two vehicles, and two ATVs, to attend to any eventuality, with special attention to religious events such as Palm Sunday, the representation of the Stations of the Cross, the procession of silence and the traditional burning of Judas.

Invitan a vivir la Semana Santa en Querétaro » La de Hoy Querétaro

Monitoring and supervision tours will also be carried out in 13 bodies of water located in: La Versolilla, Santa Catarina, Pie de Gallo, San Miguelito, Bordo Azteca, Mompaní, El Pasamanos, La Lagartija, El Zapote, El Nabo, El Salitre, Tángano I and Tángano II, this with a state of force of 27 elements divided into 3 work teams.

Finally, he pointed out that there is institutional coordination with the General Secretariat of the Government of the Municipality of Querétaro, the Department of the Interior, the Inspection Department, the State Civil Protection Coordination, the State Police, the Querétaro Fire Department, the Municipal Public Security Secretariat and Prehospital Medical Care Groups, to provide comprehensive care to Queretaro residents and people who visit the municipality during this season.

There will be no Dry Law this weekend in Querétaro

The Dry Law will not be applied during this weekend in the state of Querétaro, this is due to the exercise of the Revocation of Mandate.

The Secretary of State Government, Guadalupe Murguía Gutiérrez, reported that the agreement reached is that this provision is not implemented in the entity, as has happened in the electoral processes of 2018 and 2021 in Querétaro.

Murguía Gutiérrez, reiterated that he is confident that this Sunday’s exercise will be carried out calmly, for which, he indicated, the Government Secretariat remains in coordination with the Electoral Institute of the State of Querétaro (IEEQ), as well as with the National Electoral Institute (INE), so that this day is carried out normally.

The Queretaro Post