Puerto Vallarta ATV tour ends in foreign tourist killed at Boca de Tomatlan


An unfortunate accident was recorded at noon this Wednesday at the entrance to Boca de Tomatlán, where a foreigner lost control while driving an ATV and it overturned.

It was announced that Fire personnel received the report that there was a skid in the Boca de Tomatlán.

foreigner killed himself

Fire personnel from the B-58 unit in charge of Daniel de Anda arrived at the site, where they noticed a motorcycle accident and a person was lying on the way down to the town.

It was a foreigner of approximately 74 years of age, who presented injuries and, at the time he was checked, he no longer had vital signs.

foreigner killed himself

Regarding these events, it was revealed that the foreigner was traveling in a convoy with other motorcyclists, on a tourist tour.

The foreigner was traveling in the rear and, when driving on highway 200, the guide signaled to them to slow down since they were going to turn left.

foreigner killed himself

Everything was going well and once they took the descent again, the guide signaled them to slow down, but the foreigner accelerated, after this, he hit another motorcycle and flew on top of it, and then flipped over.

Source: tribunadelabahia.com.mx, notiespaciopv.com

The Guadalajara Post