Mexico’s public servant corruption grows 627% under AMLO’s administration


The number of public servants reported to the Public Ministry for the alleged commission of a crime in the exercise of their functions increased 627.3 percent, from 88 in 2019 to 640 in 2020, reported the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi). .

According to the results of the National Census of the Federal Government (CNGF) 2021, according to the type of alleged crime of public servants reported to the Public Ministry during 2020, abuse of authority was the most frequent (118), abusive exercise of functions (63) and Bribery (38).

Likewise, for the improper exercise of public service (32), embezzlement (19), illicit enrichment (15), influence peddling (13) and other alleged crimes (342).

Proyecto de reforma al Ministerio Público - Gaceta UNAM

He pointed out that compared to 2019 when there were 2,919, the number of audits carried out decreased 39.4 percent in 2020 when they totaled 1,768.

In addition, the number of complaints received decreased by 32.0 percent, from 33,668 to 22,891, and the investigations initiated for alleged responsibility for administrative faults decreased by 23.0 percent, from 29,740 to 22,889, respectively.

The agency reported that at the end of 2020 there were 305 holders at the head of the institutions of the Federal Public Administration. Of the total, 68.5 percent were men, and 20.0 percent women.

On average, regular men received 135,440.5 pesos per month, while women who held the same level received 140,982.7 pesos.

In 2020, the total budget exercised by the institutions of the Federal Public Administration was three billion 410 thousand 635 million pesos, which represents an increase of 7.0 percent compared to 2019.

Of the total budget exercised during 2020, 34.6% was allocated to the function of Protection and social security. The function that had the greatest increase in the budget exercised was Tourism and the function with the greatest decrease was Indigenous Affairs.


Mexico Daily Post