Querétaro will commemorate the 121st anniversary of Mexico’s Emperor Maximiliano Chapel


Maximiliano de Habsburgo: the chapel that was built in honor of the emperor in the Cerro de las Campanas, Querétaro

The Chapel of Maximiliano in the Cerro de las Campanas will be the scene of the show “End of an era. Waltzes, marches, and sounds of the Porfiriato and the Revolution”

El Cerro de las Campanas será sede del espectáculo “Fin de una época. Valses, marchas y sones del Porfiriato y la Revolución”. Foto: Especial

Within the framework of the 121st anniversary of the inauguration of the Chapel of Maximilian, next Saturday, April 9, at 6:00 pm, the Cerro de las Campanas will be the scene of the show “End of an era. Waltzes, marches, and sounds of the Porfiriato and the Revolution”, prepared by the Ministry of Culture of the Municipality of Querétaro.

The event will be free admission and will feature the participation of the University Folk Company and the Orquesta Típica Somos UAQ under the direction of Dolores Zúñiga, Héctor Córdoba Rodríguez, and Héctor Larios.

Cerro de las Campanas, escenario del “Fin de una época. Valses, marchas y  sones del Porfiriato y la Revolución” - Agencia Informativa de México

The presentation includes waltzes and marches from the Porfirian era, as well as revolutionary sounds, so that the audience can learn about the music and dances that prevailed in the years in which the chapel was built and inaugurated and those that marked the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.

What will be the repertoire of the event?

Within the repertoire, the waltzes “On the waves” by Juventino Rosas will be performed; “Alejandra”, by Enrique Mora; and “Club Verde” by Rodolfo Campodónico, as well as “Popurrí Revolucionario” with public domain music and “Marcha Zacatecas”, by Genaro Codina, as well as sones such as “La Paloma” by Sebastian Yradier and “El costeño” by Silvestre Rodríguez, among other musical pieces, with the live interpretation of the Orquesta Típica Somos UAQ and the dancers of the University Folklore Company.

Maximilian of Habsburg was shot on July 19, 1867 alongside conservative generals Miguel Miramón and Tomás Mejía.

According to the official history, on June 19, 1867, Archduke Maximilian of Habsburg was shot at Cerro de las Campanas, Querétaro (Photo: AGN)

In the Cerro de las Campanas, in the heart of the city of Querétaro, there is a chapel that immortalizes the memory of the execution of the second emperor of Mexico, Maximilian of Habsburg, who at the time of his execution was accompanied by the two conservative generals Tomás Mejía and Miguel Miramón.

It was on June 19, 1867, when one of the events that would mark the history of the country took place in Querétaro, the execution of Maximilian, with which the second empire of Mexico would be terminated. The first of them was that of Agustín de Iturbide, which lasted from 1821 to 1823, after the consummation of the Independence of Mexico.

Years after the death of Maximilian, which was ordered by Benito Juárez García, his brother the Emperor of Austria, Francisco José de Habsburgo, requested the construction of a chapel right in the place where the execution had taken place, the Cerro de las Campanas, with the purpose of remembering the death of his brother. To date, this chapel can be found in that place, which receives hundreds of tourists who want to visit it and remember history.

En qué parte de México coronaron a Maximiliano? | National Geographic en  Español

It is said that, after the execution of the Austrian emperor, residents near the Cerro de las Campanas, who went to do picnics or collect quelites, also visited the place where Maximilian had been shot.

The chapel was inaugurated in 1901. Photo: WikipediaThe chapel was inaugurated in 1901. Photo: Wikipedia

Also, settlers began to put stones and later a cross where the emperor and his generals had fallen dead. Later a fence was put up. After this, the chapel was built, which was financed by Maximilian’s family.

The building was completed in 1900 when the relationship between Austria and Mexico was resumed. It was the Austrian architect Maximiliano Mitzel, who was entrusted with the work of the work. On April 10, 1901, the chapel of Cerro de las Campanas was inaugurated.

The architecture of the small chapel is in the European and Eclectic Viennese style, which means that it combines elements from different eras and styles.

Before this building, to remember those who were shot, there was a very simple monument in the place, with three stone pillars, framed with four columns and iron chains, which was built by Rafael Olvera, a soldier from the Sierra Gorda and governor of Querétaro. from 1883 to 1887.

Maximilian was executed along with two conservative generals: Tomás Mejía and Miguel Miramón.  Photos: General Archive of the Nation Mexico // Twitter @CasaHabburgoMXMaximilian was executed along with two conservative generals: Tomás Mejía and Miguel Miramón. Photos: General Archive of the Nation Mexico // Twitter @CasaHabburgoMX

Currently, inside the chapel dedicated to Maximilian, you can see an image of the Virgin Mary holding Christ in her arms.

Maximilian of Habsburg arrived in Mexico in 1864. His mandate lasted three years, until 1867. Before dying, Maximilian, who was between his two generals, said goodbye to both and gave his place to Miramón, to whom he said: “General Miramón, the heroes and the brave deserve a place of honor, and before they shoot us, I give you my place.”

Once Maximiliano was on the shore, and Miramón was in the middle, he said goodbye to the soldiers who would shoot him and asked them not to shoot him in the face, but rather from the chest down. Before the decisive moment, Maximilian gave each of them a 20-peso gold coin, which was minted at the time of the empire, and represented a lot of money.

The only one of the three executed to die instantly was Miramón. Mejía and the emperor required the coup de grâce, in the heart.

Maximilian's empire lasted from 1864 to 1867. Photo: INAH

Maximilian’s empire lasted from 1864 to 1867. Photo: INAH

Today, the remains of Tomás Mejía rest in the pantheon of San Fernando, in Mexico City. He died at the age of 45 and was originally from Pinal de Amoles, Querétaro. Miguel Miramón, who was originally from Mexico City, was shot at the age of 35, and his remains were taken by his wife to the Puebla Cathedral.

Finally, the remains of Maximilian are found in the city of Vienna, in Austria, in the Los Capuchinos Convent. The emperor died at the age of 34.

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