The shocking moment when part of a wall of the Sumidero Canyon came off (VIDEO)

Cañon del Sumidero

It was really shocking to see the moment when a wall of the Sumidero Canyon came off.

The authorities reported that the landslide was recorded after a 4.5-magnitude earthquake with an epicenter in Pijijiapan, in the state of Chiapas.

On Tuesday, March 22nd, a rockfall was recorded on one of the walls of the Sumidero Canyon, one of the main natural attractions in the southeast of the country.

This was reported by the Chiapas Civil Protection Institute at 2:46 p.m., through its social networks, where it explained that the incident occurred moments after a 4.5-degree earthquake was recorded with an epicenter in the municipality of Pijijiapan, in the same entity.

In addition, they assured that no deaths or injured people were recorded; however, to avoid any risk, it was decided to close the navigation to make the pertinent evaluations.


San Cristobal Post