Oaxaca, Tabasco, and Baja California lead in Mexico’s economic recovery


Oaxaca. According to the Bank of Mexico, the state of Oaxaca is one of the three states with the greatest economic recovery after the pandemic caused by Covid-19 in Mexico and the world.

The report on the regional economies that runs from October to December 2021, refers that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Oaxaca has shown a good recovery since it is currently above the level shown before the pandemic.

And it is that the quarterly index of state economic activity (ITAEE) highlights Tabasco, Baja California, and Oaxaca as the states with the best performance in this area, and added that of the 32 states only nine have managed to show this level of recovery.

Tras la crisis económica por la pandemia del covid-19, los estados de Oaxaca, Tabasco Y Baja California muestras signos de recuperación.

Along with the states mentioned above are Querétaro, Chihuahua, Chiapas, Tlaxcala, Nayarit and Jalisco, while Mexico City, Baja California Sur and Campeche are located in the last three places, according to ITAEE data.

The report presented by the Bank of Mexico indicates that one of the most important factors in this recovery has been the application of the National Vaccination Strategy because thanks to this scheme it has been possible to improve mobility during the pandemic and reduce restrictions. which led to an increase in commercial activity and in the tourism sector.

However, this is only part of it, since there has also been a strong economic impact derived from investments in various works, which have been described as strategic by the state government: highways to the Coast and the Isthmus, as well as the Corridor Interoceanic.

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