With road blockades, towns protest against the Transisthmian Corridor in Oaxaca


The Community Assembly of Puente Madera, in Oaxaca, blocked the Pan-American highway this Friday to speak out against the Trans-Isthmus Corridor, as part of the actions within the framework of the 28 tour to the Tehuantepec Isthmus region by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, «on the occasion of supervising his great dispossession megaproject».

The peoples that make up the Assembly of the Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus in Defense of Land and Territory (APIIDTT), the Community Assembly of Puente Madera, among others, denounced that the Isthmus of Tehuantepec is experiencing “a panorama of social conflict.”

Among the examples of the problem, they mentioned the endorsement of the irregular change of the board of directors of the Ixtaltepec ejido by the delegate in Oaxaca of the Agrarian Attorney, Gonzalo Villalobos López, and the resident of Tehuantepec, Lila Rodríguez Villanueva, in order to “benefit the installation of the Industrial Park that is projected in the community”, as part of the works of the Transisthmian Corridor.

“Similarly, the conflict in the community of Álvaro Obregón has been reactivated, as a result of the recent elections for municipal agent, where the municipality of Juchitán, headed by the re-elected Emilio Montero, is imposing its candidate supported by Cesar Toledo, known as Chemichi’ and who has served as a shock group since his first term as municipal president for MORENA and with the support of the state leader of FUCO, Antonino Morales”, denounced the assemblies of different towns.

The peoples of the Isthmus expressed their rejection of AMLO’s visit to the region and reaffirmed their rejection of the industrialization and dispossession of their common use lands, as well as the industrialization of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region through the Transisthmian Corridor.

“It is time to leave half measures and clearly refer that the development and progress of the State are only kind and condescending ways of referring to the ethnocide that is projected against the peoples who inhabit this isthmic strip,” they stressed.

Below is the full statement:

Today, the Puente Madera Community Assembly maintains a highway blockade at the height of our community, at kilometer 185 of the Pan-American Highway. This action is part of the tour 28 to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region by the Federal Executive, in order to supervise its great dispossession Megaproject, the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. This visit, four years after the implementation of this Megaproject, takes place in a panorama of social conflict in the region, as a result of the weaving and handling carried out by those who present themselves today as the chosen ones to carry out the Fourth Transformation in the Isthmus, as a sample of this panorama is:

What happened in the community of Ixtaltepec, where the delegate in Oaxaca of the Agrarian Attorney General’s Office, Gonzalo Villalobos López, and the resident of Tehuantepec, Lila Rodríguez Villanueva, have endorsed the irregular change of the board of directors of the Ejido, to benefit the installation of the Industrial Park that is projected in the community. In the same way, Lila Rodríguez has maintained pressure on the assemblies of community members of various agrarian groups, offering negotiation tables with the CIIT, such is the case of Sta. María Mixtequilla, where they intend to expropriate communal lands for the installation of the industrial park, despite of the refusal of SEMARNAT for being lowland jungle lands with endemic flora or fauna. Also the mobilizations undertaken by inhabitants of Matías Romero, who demand the resignation of the agrarian attorney Ing.

Similarly, the conflict has been reactivated in the community of Álvaro Obregón, as a result of the recent elections for Municipal Agent, where the municipality of Juchitán, headed by the re-elected Emilio Montero, is imposing its candidate supported by Cesar Toledo. , known as “Chemichi’ and who has served as a shock group since his first term as municipal president for MORENA and with the support of the state leader of FUCO, Antonino Morales, have carried out all kinds of tricks in the last four years to destructure and ignore the legitimate council of elders and Community Assembly of Gui’ Xhi’ Ro – Álvaro Obregón, in favor of the interests of the Juchiteco municipal administration and the party that is currently disputing the region in collusion with organized crime.

In addition to the electoral conflicts, in the sister community of Sta. Maria Xadani, the MORENA candidate threatens and harasses people with taking away federal welfare programs if they do not vote for him, which has generated an atmosphere of tension and fear in community.

Of equal importance is that the isthmus region is the area with the most femicides registered at the state level, with 50% of femicides committed in our region, which so far this year 2022 have registered a total of 17 cases, and from 2016 to date a total of 45 murders against women, for being women. We know that these figures will worsen with the industrialization of the region, as has happened for more than three decades in the industrialized areas of the northern fringe of the country.

It is in this context in which the presidential visit of Andrés Manuel López Obrador takes place, which the media have announced as the second day of the tour without protests or opposition, that the Puente Madera Community Assembly and the undersigned, declare from the roadblock that:

We strongly oppose the Industrialization and dispossession of our Common Use lands, as well as the industrialization of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region.

We express our total rejection of the Tehuantepec Isthmus Interoceanic Corridor Megaproject, which implies the handing over of this strip, historically inhabited and built by indigenous peoples, to national and international capitalist interests.

It is time to leave half measures and clearly refer that the development and progress of the State are only kind and condescending ways of referring to the ETHNOCIDE that is projected against the peoples who inhabit this isthmic strip.

On the centenary of the murder of the Anarchist and indigenous Mazatec Ricardo Flores Magon reiterate that “There are rebels who create the problems of the world, are the problems of the world who create the rebels … The rebellion is life, submission is the death”.

Long live the Zapotec indigenous peoples of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec!

Get rid of political parties in our communities and let’s begin to walk the collective will and the self-determination of the peoples.






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Source: desinformemonos.org

The Oaxaca Post