Merida’s new central park is finally a reality?


Governor Mauricio Vila gives details of the facilities that the new recreation center in Mérida would have.

The La Plancha park in Mérida will be very complete, as it will have a large open-air auditorium, covered walkway, playgrounds and even a lake to enjoy boat rides with the family, reported Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal.

He stressed that it will be a great space for family life, with many attractions and, above all, with an investment by the Army.

It's official, the grounds of "La Plancha" will become Merida's Central Park  -

“Broadly speaking, they talk about installing squares, a running track, spaces for bicycling, a skate park, a peek park, a food court, a food area so that there can be coexistence,” he added.

In a conference in a building in front of the Siglo XXI Convention Center, the president offered more details about the announced project for the land where the trains arrived.

As we published, in the framework of the recent visit of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, it was reported that 100% of the land of La Plancha will be used for a public park.

How much will be invested in the La Plancha park project?

They plan to spend 1.4 billion pesos on the project, an amount that includes the cost of military installations.

At the conference this Monday, Vila Dosal specified that the open-air auditorium will have a capacity for 10,000 people and all kinds of cultural events can be held there.

“(Now) it happens to us that when there is a concert we do a lot of damage, like with the closure of streets, of the main square, Monument to the Homeland or Las Americas,” he recalled.

Food area, lake and green areas

He pointed out that the park in La Plancha will also have a food area, a lake with boats for families to enjoy, and green areas “with lots of trees.”

Barquito de papel en el Lago de Chapultepec | Lagos, Barcos de papel, Lago

The governor indicated that the plan includes the rescue of the building where the ship is located, which was a train maintenance workshop.

“There is an important resource for cleaning up that part because oil and other fuels have leaked ,” he specified.

He pointed out that the park will have a covered linear walkway so that visitors can enjoy shade when walking.

“There will also be other types of walkways, picnic areas, to play chess …, it will be a very complete park.”

Three playgrounds for children according to their age

“It will have 3 play areas: for children from 0 to 5 years old, children from 5 to 12 years old and from 12 to 16 years old.”

An image of the La Plancha area, where a large park is planned to be built (Photo by Carlos de la Cruz)

“It’s going to be a park that’s going to have pretty much everything… with the necessary facilities.”

“For example, if there is going to be an area where marquee vendors are going to be allowed, then it will already have electrical installations so they don’t hang from poles.”

It could close at night for savings and to avoid criminal acts

Vila Dosal indicated that it is being analyzed if it will be a park that can be closed at night to reduce maintenance costs or illegal acts.

“(At) 12 at night the park is closed until the next day at 6 in the morning to avoid electricity costs.”

“But also (to avoid) that at dawn it can lend itself to what happens in other parks, such as the theft of wiring or copper .”

“Also to prevent situations from arising that are not related to what we want to do as a park,” he concluded.

El proyecto del Parque La Plancha tendrá que esperar mejores tiempos

Who will provide the resources for the La Plancha park?

“Everything we are talking about is a project of 1.4 billion pesos, a little more, but it is important to point out that the 1.4 billion pesos are not for the park,” he explained.

“They are for the military installations of the National Guard, for its residential area and, also, for the park. Later we will be giving you the breakdown, ”he declared.

Where will the National Guard headquarters be?

Vila Dosal stated that in exchange his government and the Mérida City Council would donate land to the Federation in Caucel and Ciudad Industrial, where the new National Guard barracks and houses for its elements would be built.

He explained that he presented options to the president, through the donation of some land, so that these National Guard facilities are in another place other than La Plancha.

He related that during a visit by López Obrador, he informed him that they planned to use the La Plancha land for military installations and the housing area for the families of the National Guard, the new barracks and the possibility of having some type of military hospital.

“I told the president that if he would allow me to make a proposal when he returned the following month. He accepted, we met with the Secretary of Defense (Luis Crescencio Sandoval) two weeks ago.”

They presented López Obrador with 3 options for La Plancha

“There were many meetings with General Manzano, who is in charge of the Mayan Train project, and last Saturday we presented three proposals to the president.”

“The first was that it be a military installation area, the second that it be half a military installation and the other half a park, and the third that 100% of that site be a large park,” he explained.

“I am very happy to tell you that he accepted the project that we presented to be able to have 100% of the park in La Plancha. “

“Now we are going to have the project that all Yucatecans and Meridans have longed for a long time,” he said.

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