Who is “El Huevo”? The leader of Cartel del Noreste arrested in Nuevo Laredo


Mexican federal forces captured a highly sought-after cartel boss Sunday morning in Nuevo Laredo, an act that led to several attacks on buildings like the U.S. Consulate office and blockades on roads that same evening.

Juan Gerardo Treviño Chavez, also known as El Huevo, was the leader of Cartel del Noreste, the cartel operating in the Nuevo Laredo area, and the paramilitary hitmen group known as Tropas del Infierno.

Federal law enforcement agencies have also sought Treviño Chavez on the U.S. side. The CDN leader was recently part of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s “Se Busca” Initiative in January 2021, which collaborated with the Mexican government to find high-priority targets.

He was arrested as part of a collaboration between the Mexican Army, Attorney General’s Office, National Intelligence Center, and National Guard on Sunday, according to a news release shared by the federal government Monday afternoon.

Military personnel was carrying out ground reconnaissance operations in the Hidalgo neighborhood of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas on Sunday when fighting broke out with cartel operatives.

Treviño Chavez was caught in possession of two weapons exclusively issued to the Mexican Army and Air Force. He also had three arrest warrants: one in the state of Tamaulipas for extortion and criminal association, another in the state of Coahuila for intentional homicide and terrorism; and one more for extradition purposes for conspiracy for drug trafficking and money laundering, the news release disclosed.

The other assailants managed to elude capture.

Chavez Treviño was arrested and taken into the custody of the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime, or FEMDO by its Mexican acronym, to be handed over to the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office to determine his legal status.

His arrest “represents a resounding blow to the power of the Northeast Cartel,” the news release stated.

As a result of the actions taken in Nuevo Laredo, the federal government will be deploying more military personnel and aircraft scheduled to arrive Monday.

Source: Aristegui Noticias

Tamaulipas Post