Fewer and fewer Mexicans earn more than 21,000 pesos a month


Between October and December 2021, 1.3 million employees had that level of income, according to Inegi; it is the lowest figure for a similar quarter since 2005

Between October and December of last year, 1.3 million workers earned more than five minimum wages (21,255 pesos per month) in Mexico, that is, 175,000 less than in the same period of 2020 and a decrease of 712,000 compared to same period of 2019, showed the National Survey of Occupation and Employment (ENOE) of the Inegi.

This is the fewest number of people with that income level since data is available for a similar period, starting in 2005.

On the other hand, Mexicans who do not receive any income from their work totaled 3.2 million at the end of last year, 177 thousand more than a year ago. This item includes both unpaid dependent workers and own-account employees engaged in subsistence farming activities.

In addition, workers who earn up to a minimum wage, that is, 4,251 pesos per month, totaled 13.7 million between October and December 2021, 1.4 million more than in the same period of 2020 and 2.7 million above those reported in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Those who obtain more than one and up to two minimum wages (8 thousand 502 pesos per month, maximum) were 19.9 million, which meant 1.7 million more than a year before. The majority of workers are concentrated in this income level, with 35% of the total.

Beyond two minimum wages, the number of workers with more earnings begins to decrease. Those who earn more than two and up to five minimums totaled 11.3 million in the last three months of last year, 470 thousand less than in the same period of the previous year, and 3.7 million below those reported in the same period of 2019.

“The fact that lowerpaid jobs are being generated, and given the recent inflation dynamics, has meant that in real terms wages and the wage bill have stagnated at pre-pandemic levels, which implies an impact on real disposable income. and, therefore, to consumption”, BBVA analysts warned.

Income by states

With the exception of two entities, in the last two years most reported decreases in the number of workers who earned more than five minimum wages, among which Jalisco stands out, with 80.3 thousand fewer people between the fourth quarter of 2019 and the similar period of 2021.

They are followed in order of importance by Mexico City, with a loss of 75.2 thousand workers in the reference period; Nuevo Leon, 65.5 thousand; Puebla, 62.3 thousand; Chihuahua, 46.0 thousand; Guanajuato, 38.5 thousand; Quintana Roo, 30.2 thousand, and the State of Mexico, with 29.4 thousand fewer positions.

Together, these seven entities reported a decrease of 427.4 thousand people who earned more than five salaries in the last two years, representing 60% of the total national loss in that segment.

On the contrary, 29 of the 32 entities in the country saw the number of workers earning up to a minimum wage grow from the fourth quarter of 2019 to the same period of 2021. In this case, Yucatán appears, with a growth of 542.5 thousand people; Michoacan, 449.1 thousand; Coahuila, 255.9 thousand; Aguascalientes, 180.7 thousand; San Luis Potosí, 172.0 thousand; Jalisco, 164.9 thousand, and Guerrero, with 142.5 thousand more.

Together, those seven states reported a growth of 1.9 million workers earning up to the minimum during the last couple of years, that is, about 70% of the total reported for that income.

Finally, 26 entities reported an increase in the number of people who earn more than one and up to two minimum wages, a segment that concentrates the largest number of the employed population in the country, among which Mexico City stands out. , with a growth of 288.3 thousand workers; Nuevo Leon, 236.4 thousand; the State of Mexico, 214.7 thousand; Jalisco, 188.6 thousand, and Michoacán, with 114.5 thousand more.


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Source: eluniversal.com.mx

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