Regios seek the Mexican dream; they will travel all over the country in their ‘customized’ bus


In their classic modified bus, regios pause in Ciudad Madero for unit maintenance. They seek to reach Yucatan as part of their objective, to see every corner of the country.

Driving on the roads draws the attention of motorists as it is an old bus that has been modified to make trips throughout the Mexican Republic, they are two people from Monterrey who seek to see the beauties of our country.

Juan Daniel Covarrubias explains what they have called “The Mexican Dream” and travels with his son David in a legalized 1975 International School truck that was converted to a mobile home.”We did one day from Cadereyta to here, Ciudad Madero, and we hope to take about three more days to get to Yucatan, but we can, like today, stay anywhere, so we think we can take up to a week on the way,” he says. Mr. Juan Daniel is accompanied on this journey by Jesus and David.

The mobile home is just finished, it works with gasoline and butane gas, it is functional to transit; It has a space as a bedroom with two pieces of furniture that can even be converted into a king-size bed. Under the furniture, you have a luggage space to introduce fishing equipment luggage. The bus also has a small stove with an oven, as well as a sink, cupboard, a couple of tables to eat, not to mention the toilet.

The back of the bus was trimmed, leaving a platform where they transport two old bicycles and a canoe with oars.

They seek to reach Yucatan (Photo: Sergio Sánchez)

A mechanical failure made them stop in the center of Ciudad Madero, right where some relatives live who will help them to make the repairs and continue their trip.

David, the youngest, comments on another journey that they already made years ago “previously we had already made a trip by land to Mérida in a Volkswagen Sedan type, on that occasion we traveled four days from Monterrey to Mérida and then from there we moved to different points such as Tulum, a very beautiful place”.

Among the curiosities that they also carry, is the national flag that can never be missing on a trip when one feels proudly Mexican “we are proudly Mexicans and we carry our banner, so if we get to the beach we are going to raise the flag in our bus.

The family will tour all of Mexico in its ‘tuned’ bus; make a stopover in Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas

What he is sure of is that these trips are only made within the Mexican Republic because “the idea is to get to see Mexico. Here in Mexico, we have everything, we have beaches, we have flora, fauna, extraordinary landscapes, so we are going to get to know first our country and we’ll see if there’s time to get to know a little beyond the borders”.

The regio traveler affirms that the unit is a very old project that started from his years as an active worker “we bought the bus, I was still working, and in the adaptation, we started this job during the pandemic, first, we worked on the mechanics, renovating all the hydraulic, mechanical system, and since it was fine, we looked for all the lighting, turn signals, lights and then we concentrated on the interior, which still lacks some details but we have already started to travel,” he concluded.

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