Affected businessmen have asked in a letter to the municipal president of Puerto Vallarta, Luis Alberto Michel, to remove street vendors from the Center and the Malecón areas because, from their perspective, they represent damage to the image of the place and unfair competition.
In the letter, signed by
In a document signed by Fernando Pineda Trillo, president of the Association of Businesses, Bars and Restaurants of the Puerto Vallarta boardwalk; Sergio Jaime Santos, president of CANIRAC, and María Fernanda Arreola Bracamontes, president of CANACO, the dissatisfied affirm “to request him, in accordance with his constitutional mandate (Professor Michel), to ensure the interests of the majority, the common good and development sustained and sustainable for the eradication of tolerance and/or permits for street vendors, particularly in tourist strips, in accordance with their legal powers and areas of their competence”,
Also, they ask in this document to safeguard the formal economy established on the strip of the boardwalk from what they consider unfair competition for commerce, and non-established, or semi-fixed, informal services.
These are the vendors of chips, chetos, and fried foods in baskets, those of the tuba, the tattoo artists and jewelers with briefcases, the distributors of shrimp and grilled fish rods, the vendors of toys and cotton candy or caramel apple vendors, itinerant photographers and eloteros with no fixed position.
It is worth mentioning that in other past administrations there have already been efforts to remove street vendors, but they have managed to survive and persist in their commercial activities, where, as their name indicates, they do not have a fixed location and instead walk along the beaches. and the Center offering its products to tourists.
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