Rally Maya will start in Cancun and stop engines in the Riviera Maya


Cancun, February 10, 2022.- The Rally Maya Mexico has covered practically all of Quintana Roo, and for this edition, scheduled from May 20 to 29, the 110 vehicles will start in Cancun and turn off their engines upon arrival in the Riviera Maya.

As its name states, the Riviera Maya was inhabited by the homonymous people since 200 BC. Although the cities that flourished in the area were not comparable to Tikal, Calakmul, or Chichen Itzá in terms of infrastructure, they had constructions in which foundations were used. mathematics and high level of precision, arts, and engineering.

Today these vestiges can be admired through the archaeological zones of Tulum and Xcaret, among others.

The Riviera Maya is one of the best-known tourist areas in Mexico, and even in the world. Its fame transcends so much that sometimes this stretch of coast is better known than the state itself.

In fact, it has achieved a tourist image that is difficult to match and both Caribbean cruises, study trips, and weddings have placed it on the map. In half an hour you can go from the hustle and bustle of the shops and businesses of Playa del Carmen to the tranquility of virgin beaches, hidden cenotes, or Mayan vestiges.

 This eighth edition will be special after having completed the seventh pass due to a pandemic, in which, thanks to the protocols and sanitary measures, the organizing committee demonstrated that the Mayan Rally is the best event in its field and cataloged as one of the three most important in Mexico endorsed by the FIA.

Also known as the “museum on wheels” among car lovers, it is intended to be shown as a unique opportunity to learn about the natural, cultural, gastronomic, and archaeological wealth of the Mayan world.

During the competition, more than 100 crews from Mexico, Europe, Central, and South America will carry out transits and regularities, testing the ability of the pilot and co-pilot to accurately maintain the pre-established speeds in a given time.

Cars must be over 40 years old and 90 percent original to be eligible for one of three categories: vehicles made from 1915 to 1949 in the “A” division; from 1950 to 1969, in “B”, and from 1970 to 1980, in “C”.

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Source: palcoquintanarroense.com.mx

The Cancun Post