French tourists traveling to Merida from Cancun ends in ADO bus tragedy and only child orphaned


Due to the current situation, the relatives of both have not been able to travel to Cancun to rescue the bodies

The death of Mathilde Dupas and Alexis Bouchindhomme, two of the passengers who died in the accident of the ADO that was traveling from Cancún to Mérida last Sunday, while vacationing in the Mexican Caribbean, and the serious condition of their little son Helio, hospitalized in Cancun is a tragedy that has shocked La Madeleine, a community in the Dunkerke region of northern France.

Mathilde, originally from this region, was employed in the human resources area of ​​the Nord Departmental Council, where her colleagues, refer to local media, was someone highly appreciated for her human values, love of nature and travel.

On her social networks, Mathilde used to post images of her trips with her friends, her partner, and her son, with whom she enjoyed outdoor walks, one of her passions.

Mathilde and her husband Alexis dreamed of their trip to Mexico, adventurers at heart and nature lovers, they chose the Mexican Caribbean and the Yucatan Peninsula to spend their vacations.

According to her friends, the coronavirus had postponed her travel plans to this region of Mexico, finally last Sunday, February 6, Mathilde shared on her social networks a photograph taken from the plane, shortly before landing, that they had finally reached your destiny.

“Welcome to Cancun!!! with Alexis Bouchindhomme and Helio!!!!” (Llegada segura a Cancún con Alexis y Helio!).

According to the family friend, this region was not unknown to her husband Alexis, who a few years ago visited Yucatan and the archaeological zones, as well as its beaches.

Mathilde’s family is about to arrive in Cancun, to claim the bodies of those who chose Cancun to vacation and who changed their destiny.

Due to the current situation, the relatives of both have not been able to travel to Cancun to rescue the bodies and accompany Helio, but the French embassy in Mexico and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Gallic country made the necessary arrangements so that the godmother of the child, Mélanie and her uncle Paul, move to the Mexican Caribbean, where they would arrive on Wednesday afternoon.

The close friend of the family takes care of the boy who is in a private hospital in Cancun and where his state of health is reported as reserved; while in her community, in France, activities are carried out to raise funds and support the family and the child.

Sébastien Leprétre, an official representing La Madeleine, told the French media his sadness at the incident and expressed his solidarity with the family.

In statements replicated by several local media in France, they point out that La Madeleine is a very small community where everyone knows each other “many must have come across this young couple who traveled on vacation to Cancun and who unfortunately died in an accident leaving their little Helio an orphan

The Yucatan Post

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