U.S. covid alert on Mexico is a strategy to encourage domestic consumption


The tourism promoter explained that the United States has higher rates of contagion than other countries such as Mexico.

On Monday theĀ authoritiesĀ of the United States Centers for Disease Control and PreventionĀ raisedĀ the travel alert for the risk of contagion fromĀ CovidĀ in Mexico to level 4, which they consider ā€œvery highā€, for what they called its citizens to avoid traveling to the country, the marketing director of the Association of Hotels and Tourist Companies of Mazatlan, JosĆ© Gamez Valle clarified that it is due rather to a strategy to encourage internal consumption.

Alerta de EU para viajeros hacia MƩxico, es estrategia para incentivar el consumo interno: GƔmez.

He assured that in Mexico, and particularly inĀ Mazatlan, the health guidelines in hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers are strictly implemented, contrary to the United States where theĀ protocolsĀ are veryĀ ā€œsoftā€.

ā€œWhat seems strange to me is that the country with the highest rate of active cases, today, is the United States, the precautions that we take are superior to theirs, in some cases, in the airports there yes, my respects, but we are stricter in general in the country and particularly in Mazatlan, once again the United States has always sought to encourage domestic consumption,ā€ heĀ said.

GĆ”mez Valle recalled that in the last 25 years, whenĀ the United StatesĀ enters recession problems, it resorts to encouraging domestic consumption

He specified that theĀ reservationsĀ of the flights are reported at 100 percent in the remainder of the winter season, with which they do not estimate that there will be an affectation by such ā€œrecommendationā€ of theĀ United StatesĀ health authorities.

ā€œMany gringos are not vaccinated and they come here and they are the most careless, there are destinations where there are many infections precisely because of this and they practically have to walk behind them so that they use the mask,ā€ he concluded.

ā€œWe continue working, the reservations of the flights that come to Mazatlan, report a very good future, the flights come practically 100 percent for the remainder of the winter season and the good news for Mazatlan is that the ā€œgringosā€ are coming hereā€ , He said.Ā Ā 

The CDC recommended that travel to Mexico be avoided and, if you do, make sure you are vaccinated against Covid-19, likewise, anyone 2 years of age or older should wear a face mask in public and open spaces at all times.Ā Ā 

Until January 31, the United States registered 661 thousand 994 new cases, while in Mexico, on this same date, 12 thousand 521 cases were reported, that is, 649 thousand 470 cases of difference between both countries.Ā Ā 

In addition to Mexico, other countries that also have a travel alert are Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Singapore, Kosovo, Saint Vincent, the Grenadines, the Philippines, Moldova and French Guiana.Ā Ā 

The Mazatlan Post