Tlaxcala: a destination that perfectly blends the past with the present


Tlaxcala is another Mexican destination that perfectly blends the past with the present.

Tlaxcala is a small state in central Mexico, east of Mexico City. In the south, the Cacaxtla archaeological site displays colorful Mayan frescoes, while the nearby ruins of Xochitecatl include ancient pyramids. Northeast of here, the state capital of Tlaxcala features notable architecture like the Palacio de Gobierno de Tlaxcala, with an orange-tiled facade and murals depicting local history.

The region contains over a thousand archaeological sites, including the impressive Cacaxtla with preserved ancient Mayan murals and ceremonial buildings.

Photo: Travel Off Path

Ancient pyramids and ruins take travelers back in time in Xochitecatl, a location steeped in pre-Colombian history dating back over 2,000 years.

The colorful capital is home to Palacio de Gobierno, an orange-tiled palace decorated in the highly realistic murals of renowned Mexican artist Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin.

Source: El Heraldo

Tlaxcala Post