INE validates 100% of the signatures required for Revocation of Presidential Mandate to convene


The National Electoral Institute (INE) declared the goal of 2.75 million signatures exceeded, 3% of the electoral roll, to convene the first Mandate Revocation consultation in the country’s history

  • The signatures exceeded the 3% required in 21 entities out of a minimum of 17 required by law
  • “The requirement has already been met” to call the first vote in April that will ask the Mexican population if President Andrés Manuel López Obrador should leave or remain in office.

The National Electoral Institute ( INE ) declared the goal of 2.75 million signatures exceeded, 3% of the electoral roll, to convene the first Mandate Revocation consultation in the country’s history.

“This percentage of 3% has already been exceeded and we have already registered and definitively verified more than 2 million 845 thousand 634 citizens. This is a little more than 100% of the necessary goal,” announced René Miranda, executive director of the Federal Electoral Registry at a conference.

The signatures also exceeded the 3% required in 21 entities out of a minimum of 17 required by law.

Requirement met

With these data, “the requirement has already been met” to call the first vote in April that will ask the Mexican population if President Andrés Manuel López Obrador should leave or remain in office until the end of his six-year term, in 2024. .

The president is the main promoter of the exercise, so the largest number of signatures was delivered by Follow Democracy.

Miranda commented that a total of 3,290 boxes were delivered with about 9.72 million signatures, of which 65% have already been analyzed for authenticity.

In addition, there will be a visit to 850 homes as a statistical sample to confirm that citizens voluntarily handed in their voter identification cards.

“Of course, work continues on the information, there is the decision of the institute to review all the information received,” promised the official of the autonomous body.

The INE has argued that it cannot carry out the consultation because Congress cut 4,913 million pesos for 2022.

While the Government presented last week to the INE an ” austerity plan ” so that, according to its calculations, it saves 2,972 million pesos.

For this reason, Miranda warned that the INE must still wait for the Ministry of Finance to respond no later than January 31 to its request for a budget increase of 1,738 million pesos for the consultation.

Before that, he alleged, the agency cannot determine the number of booths installed or officials who will participate in the exercise, which is currently scheduled for April 10.

“We have to wait precisely for the Ministry of Finance to define formally and officially whether or not it is going to allocate resources, and the date on which they would be provided. With this fundamental input, the institution can precisely redefine the scope that the exercise is going to have,” he assured.


Mexico Daily Post