Korean Tiktoker affirms that Oaxacan men are the most handsome in Mexico


The Korean Tiktoker Sujin Kim, better known as ‘Chingu friend’, affirms that although she lives in Monterrey, Nuevo León, her heart has the seal of Oaxaca, as she asserts that the most handsome men are found in this entity in the south of the country.

In an interview, when asked about which men seemed more attractive to him, those from Monterrey or Oaxaca, Kim stressed that, in his opinion, those from the land of Benito Juárez are the most handsome.

“Is there a difference?… Well (she keeps thinking) I have a boyfriend from Oaxaca, so I have to say that from Oaxaca,” she commented laughing.

About her trip to Oaxaca, the young woman said that it was like getting to know a different Mexico where traditions are still alive at every step and in every bite.

“I didn’t know that such a traditional place existed, I loved learning about another part of Mexico. The dishes, is that I have a boyfriend from Oaxaca and his father is very proud of Oaxacan food, so he made me try one by one and I think I tried a lot and the thing I liked the most was the tlayuda”.

On the other hand, he acknowledged that Koreans have a very marked stereotype about Mexican men, assuring that they think that all men are stocky and “sexy”.

“mamones, sexy and attractive look, that’s what we think of Latinos,” he finally confessed.

“Pescorea”: ​​the thousands of Koreans who transformed a city near Monterrey

For a few years, thousands of Koreans have settled in the city of Monterrey and its surroundings.

Among them is @Chinguamiga, who in this report tells us how his life changed in Mexico. The arrival of the Korean community caused such a transformation that the Mexicans began to call the city of Pesquería Pescorea.

Today, Pescorea, in addition to a striking nickname, is a phenomenon that has spread to other cities in the metropolitan area, where the influence that Koreans have been marking in this area is noticeable.

Mexico Daily Post