Study reveals mouthwash capable of neutralizing COVID-19 by 99.9%


Gargling mouthwash could be a way to inactivate the virus in the throat, which could help to prevent coughing and sneezing. Anyone coming too close to another person may benefit from this method. This research was published in the American College of Prosthodontics Journal of Prosthodontics.

A group of five dentists found a mouthwash capable of deactivating COVID-19 viruses by 99.9 percent, according to a trial published in the scientific journal Healthcare.

The study was carried out by five researchers: the independent Spanish researcher Héctor Rodríguez-Casanovas; the Mexican from the Department of Periodontology of the Universidad AME, in Monterrey, Mexico, Manuel de la Rosa; the Colombian from the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla, Yesit Bello-Lemus; the Italian from the Faculty of Basic and Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences of the University of Milan, Giulio Rasperini, and the member of the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine of the Faculty of Dentistry, of the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Antonio J. Acosta.

“This reduction in viricidal activity has not yet been demonstrated by any other commercially available mouthwash,” the study notes.

According to the publication to date, there is little research on the effect of mouthwashes to treat COVID-19, since the saliva of infected patients has a high viral load of SARS-CoV-2, which facilitates the spread of the virus. virus.

The study points out that the virus can be identified even before symptoms, so asymptomatic people can transmit it through salivary droplets or aerosols, and reducing the viral load would help control the spread of the virus.

According to the information revealed, dentists have a high risk of contracting infectious diseases, and the application of this mouthwash could prevent the transmission of various diseases from asymptomatic patients.

Therefore, taking additional precautions “would not only help control COVID-19, but also serve as a guide to treat other respiratory diseases.”

In the study, various mouthwash chews were analyzed, and it was found that only one patent from the Brix USA LLC laboratory, known commercially as Xyntrus, was shown to have a formula of D-limonene (0.2%) and CPC (0.05% ) or cetylpyridinium chloride.

Virucidal Activity of Different Mouthwashes Using a Novel Biochemical Assay

by Héctor J. Rodríguez-Casanovas 1,*,Manuel De la Rosa 2,Yesit Bello-Lemus 3,Giulio Rasperini 4,5 andAntonio J. Acosta-Hoyos 3,*1Independent Researcher, 35004 Gijón, Spain2Department of Periodontics, AME University Monterrey, Monterrey 64060, Mexico3School of Basic and Biomedical Sciences, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla 080002, Colombia4Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, University of Milan, 20122 Milan, Italy5Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA*Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Mexico Daily Post