Starting today, all users of the Culiacán Bus Station will have a COVID test!


Verónica Gastélum López, chief operating officer of the Culiacán International Bus Station, reported that, on average, approximately 7 thousand passengers are entering the bus station per day; foreigners will be monitored to a greater extent, they highlight.

Culiacán, Sinaloa. – Starting this Tuesday at the Culiacán International Bus Station, COVID-19 tests will be applied to passengers entering the terminal, mainly those who come from abroad, reported Verónica Gastélum López, chief operating officer of the truck terminal. 

She indicated that in coordination with the State Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks of Sinaloa – Coepriss – and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation – SCT -, more constant reviews will be carried out on passengers, ranging from sampling to sanitizing the buses. . 

“There will be a sampling at the beginning, when the bus arrives, it will be seen if the passengers bring any symptoms or if they already feel bad, in case of, they will be tested to see if they come positive and in case no passenger comes with symptoms, a sampling will be taken anyway, “she explained. 

Gastélum López stressed that in the event that no passenger has symptoms, a sampling will be carried out at 10 percent of the passengers who come on that bus and the test will also be reviewed to see if they come out positive or negative.

And although they are not yet requesting a passenger vaccination certificate, she mentioned that it is a measure that could be defined in the coming days, as has been done in other states of the country. 

Finally, she pointed out that, due to the fact that approximately 7 thousand passengers a day enter the Culiacán Bus Station since the pandemic began, they have maintained the measures to prevent COVID-19, such as the use of face masks, application of alcoholic gel, temperature measurement, healthy distance and the capacity of buses by 50 percent.


The Mazatlan Post