Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido and beach communities travel time cut in half with the new highway

  • Governor Alejandro Murat Hinojosa confirmed work on the Mitla-Tehuantepec highway that registers a physical advance of 58.28% and in the Barranca Larga-Ventanilla section that currently registers a physical advance of 74. 64%
  • On the Isthmus, witness the paving of the town of Santiago Quiavicuzas, through the Paving Program for Roads to Municipal Headwaters

Gira Istmo y Costa, Oax., January 9, 2022.- In order to improve land communication between the state capital and the regions of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and the Coast, Governor Alejandro Murat Hinojosa supervised the construction of the highways Mitla-Tehuantepec II, which to date presents a physical advance of 58.28%, as well as the Barranca Larga-Ventanilla section that currently registers a physical advance of 74. 64%.

In this regard, Murat Hinojosa pointed out that this highway infrastructure will allow reaffirming the important role that both regions play as a pole of economic growth for the state since it will facilitate the transfer of products, services, and people, shortening the distance from 4:30 to only 2: 30 hours and can enjoy the tourist attractions.

On the Oaxaca-Istmo highway, he highlighted that it will benefit more than 80 thousand inhabitants of 14 municipalities through which it will cross, allowing a “connected Oaxaca” next to the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

“We are fulfilling the commitments that have been made based on the highway, this highway will benefit all of Oaxaca, but it is more important that it benefits the communities. We are going to work to finish the highway as quickly as possible, which will bring parallel benefits such as bridges and pavements, ”said the Governor.

In his supervisory work tour over the weekend, the State President was accompanied by the delegate of the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications, and Transportation (SICT), José Luis Chida Pardo, who recognized the work coordinated with the Federal Government to culminate the Mitla-Tehuantepec II section, at the time of supervising in the town of Santo Domingo Narro, the “Narro” bridge, which has a length of more than 36 linear meters and which will be ready at the beginning of February.

“This work is of great importance mainly in the rainy season because there is no passage, and it will allow us to transfer our patients on time to the hospitals,” said the municipal agent of this place, Jaime Zarate Ruíz, after thanking this infrastructure.

The Mitla-Tehuantepec II highway is made up of 13 viaducts, three of them completed and in operation, eight under construction and two to be started; 20 junctions, nine are in operation, five under construction and six to start; nine tunnels, four under construction and five to be started; as well as 28 crossing structures, seven of them already finished; and 54 bridges, of which 25 are under construction.

Work on the Oaxaca-Costa highway is being evaluated

Currently, in the Barranca Larga-Ventanilla section, the construction of 52 kilometers of the asphalt layer is advanced, two bridges, four junctions, and two tunnels have been completed. 

During his visit to the works in this region and in the company of officials from the state administration and the Federal Government, Murat Hinojosa evaluated the progress in the viaduct kilometer 117 + 174, which will include a length of 185 meters, section II- tunnel San Sebastián, which will have a length of 175.58 meters and section II- Oaxaca viaduct kilometer 151 + 957, which will have a length of 162.87 meters.

“We are making progress in the construction of the viaduct that is at the height of San Vicente Coatlán, whose works will finish in six months. There, they are working with a pitcher with which the concrete beams that will allow the construction of the “El Nopal” bridge are being handled. We continue to advance in a timely manner to provide equipment for the growth and connectivity of Oaxaca ”, declared the State President after verifying the work carried out by the construction companies.

Upon completion of this stretch of highway, more than 100,000 people from 11 communities will benefit directly; In addition, average traffic of 4,253 vehicles per day is planned, with a speed of 90 to 110 kilometers per hour.

Government of Oaxaca and Federation in favor of the communities

As part of this work tour, the Governor witnessed the completion of the paving of five kilometers of the road to the town of Santiago Quiavicuzas, belonging to the municipality of San Carlos Yautepec, which was concluded with resources from the Paving Program for Roads to Headwaters. Municipal.

“As they build their way, this year the remaining 24 kilometers could be finished. The objective is to complete your path and the highway, so I want to ask you to help me, that we continue working as sisters and brothers because we have already shown that we do know how to keep our word. We are working as a team with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for the benefit of all ”, expressed Murat Hinojosa before the residents of Quiavicuzas.

On behalf of the Government of Mexico, the SICT delegate, José Luis Chida Pardo pointed out that the resources for the completion of this path are guaranteed, for which he asked the inhabitants to continue with the work for the benefit of their population.

The Chief of the Executive Branch of the State said that in addition, the Government of Oaxaca met the demand for electricity in this community, is working on the first stage of construction of the drainage network and that the construction of classrooms required by the school of the population. Likewise, he delivered a transfer ambulance to this community and visited the land where the local baccalaureate will be built.

It should be noted that the Government of Oaxaca promotes the development of highly marginalized communities through the granting of subsidies for paving municipal capitals that connect and are accessible to the Mitla-Tehuantepec II highway, such as Santiago Quiavicuzas, San Juan Lachixila, Santiago Lachiguiri, and Santo Domingo Tepuxtepec.

On this working tour, the Governor was accompanied by the Secretary-General of the Government, Francisco Francisco García López; the director of Roads and Airways of Oaxaca, David Mayren Carrasco; the office manager of the Oaxaca Public Security Secretariat (SSPO), Dalia Baños Noyola; among other state, federal and municipal officials.

Source: oaxacavialynoticias.com

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