“Night of Radishes” canceled in Oaxaca


Through a video, Governor Alejandro Murat reported that based on scientific information, his government decided to cancel the Night of Radishes, the traditional holiday festival in Oaxaca.

Oaxaca de Juárez.– Given the increase in Covid-19 cases, and especially the risk represented by the new omicron variant, the government of Oaxaca canceled the traditional “ Night of Radishes ”, a Christmas season festival in the city of Oaxaca. that artisans exhibit pieces made with this root and other materials such as the immortal flower and the totomoxtle, which attracts thousands of tourists each year and was also suspended in 2021 due to the health emergency. 

Through a video, Governor Alejandro Murat reported that based on scientific information, his government decided to cancel this holiday since the lives of Oaxacans are privileged, a measure consistent with those that his administration has taken throughout the pandemic.

“Due to the omicron strain and the invitation made today by the World Health Organization (WHO) which establishes that the authorities of the countries and states must cancel mass events due to the high level of contagion that this strain generates, I have taken this decision, as governor of Oaxaca, to cancel the radish event, based on a scientific decision ”. 

Juan Carlos Márquez Heine, Secretary of State Health and who accompanied Murat during the announcement, assured that with this strain as countries like the United States, England and even the Netherlands “have noticed a significant increase in the number of hospitalized and infected patients, for Consequently, it is the most advisable thing to avoid this type of activities of mass consistency ”, he said. 

Anuncia AMH realización de la tradicional Noche de Rábano - BBMNOTICIAS

Despite this decision, Murat said that all other activities in Oaxaca will continue in the green phase of the risk traffic light before Covid-19, so that Oaxacans can “enjoy” and insisted that the decision to cancel the “Night of Radishes” was because “it was going to bring together many people and they want to prioritize health. 

The decision to suspend this holiday coincides with the lack of mobility and governance conditions in the city of Oaxaca, which has been besieged for at least 72 hours by protests activated by workers from the capital city council unionized in five unions, who have blocked up to 17 from the main points of the capital to demand the payment of labor benefits such as the Christmas bonus. 

Cancelan “Noche de Rábanos” en Oaxaca por riesgo de cepa ómicron de  Covid-19, asegura Murat | Oaxaca

The decision to cancel the event for health reasons was criticized by users of social networks, who questioned that it is not reported that this measure is taken due to the social protests that have led to the collapse of the capital.

The Oaxaca Post