Femsa announces the hiring of Haitian migrants as Oxxo cashiers


Since Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House last January, the region has experienced an unprecedented migratory flow, as Mexico has intercepted 228,115 migrants and deported 82,627 from January to October 2021, numbers not seen in more than 15 years.

The convenience store chain Oxxo announced that it is already hiring Haitians who are resolving their immigration status in Mexico.

“At FEMSA we are committed to inclusion and diversity, providing employment opportunities to refugees and migrants,” said Fomento Economico Mexicano (Femsa).

“Through Tiendas Oxxo, we hire people from Haiti in a situation of mobility, giving them the opportunity to start a new life here,” he added.

The Government of Mexico announced on Wednesday that it had so far granted 100 visitor cards for humanitarian reasons to migrants who arrived in caravans to Mexico City and who are now leaving for other parts of the country to await the resolution of their procedures.

“Since Monday, 100 visitor cards have been delivered for humanitarian reasons in Mexico City, giving preference to integrated families with children under 5 years old,” the Interior Ministry (Segob) reported in a statement.

This Secretariat received representatives of the migrant caravan that left Tapachula, in the southeastern state of Chiapas, last October and arrived in the city on December 12.

It did so, they said, “in order to give continuity to the agreements reached on December 16 of this year and inform them about the strategy that the National Migration Institute (INM) will be implementing to deliver visitor cards for humanitarian reasons to the people who requested it ”.

The INM promised, they added, to transfer this Wednesday all the members of the caravan to Sonora, Chihuahua and Nuevo León, where they assured them that they will be waiting for their procedures under the same conditions as in Mexico City.

As reported by the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City, so far 441 migrants have left the capital while 59 – mostly Haitians – decided to remain in the city.

“It should be noted that it is accompanied by the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) and the representation of the Interior, institutions that will be in charge of guaranteeing that their rights are respected during the process and that all agreements are fulfilled” , ended the Segob.

The Mexican Government agreed in 2019 with the Administration of then-US President Donald Trump to curb the flow of migrants crossing Mexico bound for the United States.

Since Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House last January, the region has experienced an unprecedented migratory flow, as Mexico has intercepted 228,115 migrants and deported 82,627 from January to October 2021, numbers not seen in more than 15 years.

In addition, 123,000 migrants requested refuge in the first 11 months of 2021 in Mexico, another absolute record, since in previous years there were about 40,000 requests.

Source: sinembargo.mx

Mexico Daily Post