23 cases of Omicron confirmed in Mexico


Little by little, the Mexican health system begins to detect cases of omicron, the new and highly contagious variant of covid-19.

The Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López Gatell, explained this Tuesday that there are already 23 confirmed infections of the virus mutation in the country. The official has pointed out that all the patients present mild symptoms and that the majority, 70%, were not vaccinated.

The presence of omicron in Mexico could in any case be greater, given its level of expansion in the United States and Europe. In the US, the new variant already represents 73% of new infections.

López Gatell recalled that “the fundamental prevention measure for the covid epidemic is to get vaccinated.” “As we have highlighted, the epidemic at this time in Mexico and in many other countries with high vaccination coverage is an epidemic of unvaccinated people,” he indicated.

Of the 23 cases in Mexico, 16 have been detected in the capital, six in the State of Mexico and one in Tamaulipas. There is another pending confirmation in Sinaloa.

Source: Excelsior

Mexico Daily Post