President Salinas de Gortari had a greater approval rating than AMLO


In José Cárdenas Informa, the politician Diego Fernández de Cevallos declared that former President Salinas de Gortari enjoyed greater approval than López Obrador; stresses that AMLO is “wanted, but disapproved.”

Diego Fernández de Cevallos, an opposition politician, declared that former president Carlos Salinas de Gortari enjoyed greater approval with respect to the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who this Wednesday led a rally on the occasion of his third year in office.

In the José Cárdenas Informa space, ‘El Jefe Diego’ declared that López Obrador is a “beloved, but disapproved” president, because 35% of the Mexican population “abhors and rejects him” for the policies he has implemented during the last three years.

Former President Salinas, in his first three years in office, had a higher rating than the current president has, ”said Fernández de Cevallos.

The former senator said that he did not listen to the speech that AMLO gave in the capital’s Zócalo, but he condemned the fact that in Mexico there are five million new poor people and that a homicide is committed every 15 minutes, according to Fernández de Cevallos.

Another aspect that ‘El Jefe Diego’ rejected is the so-called ‘decree’, through which the six-year works become a matter of national security. An aspect that has been criticized by businessmen and even the INAi lists a constitutional controversy.

He acknowledged what Dr. María Amparo Casar said about López Obrador making “the same old promises that we hear from other candidates and other leaders,” in addition to calling the president a “beloved, but disapproved” leader.

He is also an abhorred president (AMLO), it is not small time to say, according to known polls, 35% or 40% of the population detests him for his arbitrary public policies ”, emphasized ‘El Jefe Diego’.

He concluded that Mexico has been three years in the hands of an “inept man” who uses his power to “destroy and divide” In addition, he condemned that López Obrador detests “the legal order.”


Mexico Daily Post