Eight more are under observation for possible Omicron contagion in Mexico


The undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, said that after confirming the first case of the Ómicron variant in Mexico, 8 more people are being analyzed for possible contagion.

“After detecting it, the Ministry of Health follows up on eight people reported as direct contact with the first detected case of the Omicron variant in Mexico, the federal official said.

Gatell called on the population “not to panic, because it is not a new epidemic. And the recommendation is to get vaccinated, because now what we have is an epidemic of the unvaccinated ”.

López-Gatell added that the 51-year-old person with the Omicron variant is a businessman of South African origin.

“He has a mild illness and he was voluntarily admitted to a private hospital in Mexico City to avoid contagion. His recovery prognosis is favorable ”, he pointed out.

Source: OEM

Mexico Daily Post