Playa San Agustín: an incredible fishing spot in the state of Sonora (VIDEO)


Playa San Agustín is a travel destination in Sonora. Playa San Agustín is situated southeast of El Colorado, north of Rada Cerro Prieto.

The town of San Agustín is located in the Municipality of Hermosillo (in the State of Sonora). It is the most populated town in position #498 of the whole municipality. San Agustín is at 4 meters of altitude.

To locate this beautiful town within the municipality, you must know that San Agustín is located 102.3 kilometers (in direction Northwest) from the locality of Hermosillo.

People from Hermosillo go fishing and hiking when they visit San Agustín and its surroundings.

The Postal Code of San Agustín (Sonora) is 83316

Do you want to know the Postal Code of San Agustín so that you can send postal packages and letters with complete confidence that they will arrive at their destination? Write down the following 5 digits: 83316.

The first two digits of the ZIP code of San Agustín (“83”) correspond to the State of Sonora, and the last three identify the town itself. As a curiosity, there may be several locations in the same State with the same Post Code.

Source: YouTube

The Sonora Post