1st Meeting of Urban Art for Biodiversity Coacoyul, Zihuatanejo


The paradise of Sun, Sea, and Sand is tinged with colors … ProCosta México AC. Organizes the 1st MEETING OF URBAN ART FOR BIODIVERSITY On December 3, 4, and 5 with several Muralists in the community of “El Coacoyul Gro.” to give life to the streets with his works, make people aware of caring for the environment through its walls and preserve our Flora and Fauna Guerrerense

aniversario-municipio-zihuatanejo-de-azueta-guerrero - Ixtapa Zihuatanejo

Thanks to the support of Muralists from the State of Guerrero and other States, it will be possible, we seek to give a voice to the species of our region, by painting colorful murals that cause a visual impact, beautifying the community, and communicating the problems they face. some animals and plants, we believe that you have to #Know to #Conserve.

We will be developing the activity mainly in the community of El Coacoyul and other points are yet to be confirmed.

COSTASALVAJE y la comunidad pintan por la conservación – WILDCOAST

We thank the sponsors who are joining, the voluntary support of friends with logistics, the Cultural and Sports Committee of El Coacoyul, the inhabitants of the community for the loan of their walls, the municipal and communal authorities for their support. Thank you all.

The Guerrero Post