Merida Tourism Expo 2021 adds extra security


With the participation of the entire force of the Ministry of Public Security, work is being done to shield the headquarters of the Tianguis Turístico de Mérida 2021

A strong security entourage arrived at the facilities of the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention Center, where the Tianguis Turístico de Mérida will be held from November 16 to 19, the most important event in the sector dedicated to tourism in Mexico.

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It transpired that this delegation is in charge of organizing all the logistics to guarantee the safety of all the attendees and participants of the event, which means the reopening of the convention center that had been closed for more than a year.

Although there is still no specific number of security elements that will be guarding the premises in the operation, all areas of the Secretariat of Security will be participating, in addition to the fact that police surveillance will be reinforced in every corner of the city of Mérida during the days of the event.

Regarding the economic benefits that the Tourist Tianguis means for the city, the President of the Mexican Association of Hotels in Yucatán, Juan José Martín Pacheco, expressed that there will be a movement not only for Mérida but for the state in general and that an economic spill is expected important, since the state government says that between 7 thousand and 10 thousand visitors are expected, which benefits not only the hotel industry but the tourism industry in general, restaurants, transportation, and vehicle rental, among others.

In addition, he mentioned that the spill is not only limited to the days that the event takes place since previously each exhibitor sends his person who is in charge of the previous operational part “people begin to arrive six days before the event, to set up and design the stands and they have spent a minimum of three days on this alone ”, he highlighted.

Likewise, Martín Pacheco explained that the 32 states of the Republic have already been confirmed, as well as 300 national and international media outlets, along with 40 thousand business appointments already agreed, and more than 3,000 exhibitors from the which 240 are tour operators, and he highlighted that the state of Yucatán has a stand with 140 exhibitors plus the stand that the Mérida city council has, although these numbers may vary in the coming days.

He was categorical in saying that there is the capacity to provide service and attention to the people who come to the tianguis, since 15,278 rooms are considered, so it is expected that there will be a good response.

Regarding the hotel occupancy that already exists for the dates of the tianguis, Martín Pacheco did not want to speculate and expressed that we must wait for the cut-off of November 10 to have an exact data, added to this he said that we must be aware of the airlines, but also land traffic as many people well on the road and stressed the issue of security in the state, as well as the health situation.

“Yucatán is one of the safest states in the country, we are also on a green traffic light, the advance of infection is very low, there is more than 75 percent of personnel who work in the hotel industry vaccinated and this is giving more certainty to people, together with the security measures, we have already seen more visitors than normal as we have seen months ago, all sectors in general and that is allowing commercial reactivation, along with tourist activity ”, he concluded.


The Yucatan Post