South Korea and Mexico City, will be guests of Guanajuato 2022 FIC 50


South Korea and Mexico City will be the country and the capital guests of honor of the commemorative edition of the half-century of the International Cervantino Festival (FIC), to be held from October 12 to 30, 2022, announced the organizing committee.

From the Juárez Theater, in the Guanajuato capital, the director of the meeting, Mariana Aymerich Ordóñez, presented the allusive poster for next year, the work of the Jalisco artist Rafael López Castro.

The Cervantes party will conclude today after 19 days of activities, in the hybrid, face-to-face and virtual modalities, after last year they were restricted only to the digital field, due to the pandemic.

“As the only way to survive is change, this year we make the proposal to adjust to new formats, to observe ourselves with fresh eyes and transform ourselves; May the past be the godfather of times to come ”, said the official, who considered that turning 50 is an ideal occasion to rethink the future and the direction of the festival.

The governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, informed that the Juárez Theater, the main headquarters of the FIC next to the Alhóndiga de Granaditas, inaugurated by Porfirio Díaz in 1903, will be remodeled; the first stage is expected to be ready for the fiftieth anniversary of the meeting. They will be invested, he said, 160 million pesos and announced that it will remain closed for a few months.

For her part, Claudia Sheinbaum, CDMX head of government, said that it is an honor that Mexico City is part of the 50th anniversary of the FIC, as it has become Mexico’s gateway to its inhabitants and the world.

At the Juárez theater, where she recalled that part of her childhood was lived in Guanajuato, and on some occasion she appeared as a dancer, the president stressed that the capital of the country has an enormous cultural wealth that has been manifested throughout the great transformations of the Republic, with a huge melting pot of diversity.

He highlighted that there have been various cultural expressions in literature, music, painting and cinematography, among others, from pre-Columbian times to the present day, through the viceroyalty, the Reformation, the Revolution and, in particular, in the 20th century. XX.


San Miguel Post