In Mexico City, now you can buy a fake phone to use in case of public transport robbery


Mexico City, Mexico — Many local businesses are now offering fake cell phones to use in robberies have emerged in Mexico City. The businesses sell the fake phones for use in the event of a public combi, bus or metro robbery.

Given the frequent assaults registered on public transports in the nation’s capital city, merchants have started selling fake phones.

For 50 Mexican pesos ($2.50 USD), you can purchase a fake phone, which looks and feel real, and hand it over to the criminals in the event of a robbery.

“Fake phones for assaults”. For 50 peso, you can buy a dummy phone and keep your real one in the event of a robbery

The phones have a real exterior and are “filled” inside to provide the weight of a real cell phone, but the phones are dummies.

Merchants have brought fake cell phones to the market so that robbery victims can trick criminals while taking their belongings.

Several photographs have emerged across social media showing sale signs for the fake phones in the State of Mexico and in various parts of Mexico City.

Source: Julio Astillero

The Mexico City Post